COVID-19 Protocol

The below protocols are based on the following:

-Paramount Property Company Return-to-Work Guidelines

-Alameda County Public Health Department COVID Site


In order to attend Legacy classes at American Steel Studios you will need to carefully review this policy.


After arrival at the entrance to 1901 Poplar Street, please follow these steps:

  1. Confirm mentally that you will stay 6-feet apart from all persons encountered.

  2. Check that your mask is secured, covering your nose and mouth.

*If you are wearing double masks, ensure that both masks cover your nose and mouth.

  1. Sanitize your hands at the automatic sanitizer dispensing machine, located at the double door entrance.

  2. Navigate to the Legacy check-in table. Wait for Etty or Munirah to take your temperature and conduct the COVID diagnostic survey.

  3. When directed, proceed to the workshop area.


  1. Avoid close contact and proximity with individuals, especially those expressing symptoms of sickness.

  2. Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.

  3. Stay home if you are not feeling well.

  4. Practice good hygiene - for example, cover coughs and sneezes with tissues, properly dispose of them, and sanitize your hands afterwards.

  5. Disinfect hands regularly with alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

  6. Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

  7. Clean and disinfect frequently-handled objects and surfaces.

  8. Be judicious about attending public gatherings.

  9. Be aware of current official COVID-19 advisories and use good judgement.


The bathrooms at American Steel are available to all building patrons, and therefore pose a potential risk. Although the bathrooms are cleaned daily, we ask that you stay mindful of the surfaces you touch and sanitize your hands regularly.