Below you will find the amazing topics our 1st Grade students will learn in STEAM class!  


Students will work hard to learn about how plants and animals use parts to survive.  We will investigate how adaptations are specific to animal needs.  Students will explore camouflage, protection, locomotion, and food adaptations.  We'll analyze how parent and offspring animals have similarities and differences.  Students will uncover the various ways animals can communicate.  Using everything they learned, students will design masks inspired by nature to scare animals away!


Students will uncover that sound is created by vibrations.  We will observe what happens when a tuning fork is placed in water.  They will conduct an experiment to understand how light passes differently through objects.  Using our knowledge, we will explore and build objects that communicate using light and sound.


Students will explore the patterns that come with seasons.  We will analyze how hours of daylight vary different times of the year.  Students will explore patterns related to the moon, sun, and stars.