
Reading is the key to learning...

"Good phonics teaching will make sure that all children learn to read early, regardless of their background."                                - Jill Jones, Ofsted - 2019

“Reading is the gateway for children that makes all other learning possible.” 

                                                                                                                      – Barack Obama

Our Phonics Intent

 It is our moral imperative to provide the knowledge and skills required to enable all  children develop the ability to decode texts confidently and fluently so they become lifelong readers and learners.

Phonics at Offa's Mead Academy

To achieve our intent, we launched our new Phonics Program - Read Write Inc in September 2022

Our principal aim is to develop the children’s phonological awareness, ability to segment and blend words to become fluent readers!

Children in Year 1 will complete the Phonic Screening Check during the summer term. We strive for all of our children to pass the Phonic Screening Check and additional support is put in place for those children who require it. The children who do not achieve the pass mark in Year 1 will take the test in the following academic year, when they are in Year 2.

Read Write Inc

Read Write Inc is a DfE accredited phonics scheme that fully alligns with our aims. The RWI mission is below:

Our mission is to teach every child to read and write, and to keep them reading. No exceptions.

Our core mission is to galvanise headteachers and teachers to:

Parents Introduction to RWI Phonics
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