Financial Information

This page will provide a  financial statement for Offa's Mead Academy, including gifts made to the academy and amounts paid to governors for expenses. The Academy gift register is available on request. At present there are no declarations to be made.

Please click the link to the audited AET group financial statements  -

Pupil Premium

Our mission is “to gather and motivate inspirational people committed to delivering an excellent education that launches children into remarkable lives”  and our vision is that “each and every child is inspired to choose a Remarkable life”.

 The effective use of Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) encompasses all elements of our mission, vision and core values. ALL pupils, including the most severely disadvantaged and most able, are regarded as unique individuals and receive both challenge and support designed to best meet their needs.

We passionately believe that education plays a powerful and transformative role in improving life chances. We aim to do whatever it takes to remove any barriers that stand in the way of pupils achieving an excellent education. As such, our main purpose is to focus on closing the gaps in achievement and attainment that may exist for different groups of pupils in our academy 

Our Pupil Premium Strategy Document can be found here. 

Forces Pupil Premium

As with everything we do at school the measures put into place do make a positive difference. They help to ensure that our service children become tolerant, caring and well rounded individuals with the skills to enable them to learn, develop and progress, our Forces Pupil Premium has a significant pastoral content to ensure our children feel the social and emotional benefits to support them during deployment and transition.

PE Grant

Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer. This means that schools should use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to:

Under the Ofsted Schools Inspection Framework, inspectors will assess how effectively leaders use the Primary PE and Sport Premium and measure its impact on outcomes for pupils, and how effectively governors hold them to account for this.

 Our PE & Sports Premium Document can be found here