Term Dates
Our School day times, academic calendar and information about Teacher Training Days can be found here.
Dates for your Diary
2024 -2025
2nd - 6th Inset Days
9th First Day of Term
7th Harvest Festival
14th Parents Evening - 3:20-6:00
15th Parents Evening - 3:20 - 5:30
18th Cake Bake Sale - Donations gratefully received
23rd Individual/Sibling School Photos
24th FOOMA Halloween Disco EYFS/KS1 4:15-5:30
KS2 5:45-7:00
25th Inset Day
28th - 1st Nov Half Term
4th Inset Day
14th Flu Immunisations - Whole School (details to follow)
15th Children in Need (wear spots or stripes)
5th Dick Whittington Panto (whole school)- afternoon 5:15 return
6th FOOMA - Christmas Fair - OMA School Hall
12th EYFS/KS1 Christmas Performance (PM time tbc)
17th Christmas Concert (KS2) - St Lukes Church 5:00 -6:00
18th Christmas Lunch & Christmas Jumper Day
23rd - 4th Jan Christmas Holidays
6th Inset Day
24th Breaking The Rules Day
10th Parents Evening - 3:20-6:00
11th Parents Evening - 3:20 - 5:30
13th Valentines Disco EYFS/KS1 4:15-5:30 KS2 5:45-7:00
14th Inset Day
17th - 21st Half term
6th World Book Day
21st Red Nose Day (wear something red to school)
4th Cake Bake Sale - Donations gratefully received
14th - 25th Easter Holidays
5th Bank Holiday
12th-15th Year 6 SATs
23rd Breaking The Rules Day
26th 30th Half Term
20th Cake Bake Sale - Donations gratefully received
26th Sports Day EYFS/KS1 - 9:30-11:00
KS2 - 1:30-3:00
3rd Whole Class Photos
Yr 6 Residential (date tbc)
15th School Reports
18th FOOMA - Summer Fair
21st Inset Day