Who makes sure this happens?

We have a qualified and experienced SENCO called Ms McCLune, who works three days per week and who is held accountable by the Head Teacher and the SEND Governor.  Regular meetings are held between these professionals to ensure that:

·         Teacher and support staff are provided with comprehensive guidance in relation to the identification processes and provision of all students with SEND.

·         There are clear processes for staff and parent / carers to raise concerns regarding pupil progress and learning

·         A clear process is in place to carry out a range of  appropriate screening and assessment steps to identify needs and gather evidence of pupil needs

·         When appropriate, advice is sought from advisory services and outside agencies including the Advisory Teacher Service, Educational Psychology Service, CAMHS, Speech and Language Service etc. in order to gain a better understanding of a pupil’s needs and how to provide for these needs

·         Parents/carers are fully involved when special educational provision is being made for their child and there are processes in place for parents/carers to provide feedback on provision

·         Students are also fully involved in the SEND process and there are processes in place for the students to provide feedback

·         The SEND Register and related processes are regularly reviewed