How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school?

When a new student arrives in our school we liaise with their previous setting to collect any relevant information.  If appropriate we also carry out our own Initial Needs Assessment to decide on a course of action.  Our normal SEND Graduated Response system would then be followed.

When a student moves to a different educational setting, all medical and SEND information is passed on in an appropriate manner. This may include a meeting with the SENCO at the new setting or a visit with the student where appropriate. Students with complex needs will have Annual Review or ‘My Plan’ meetings to which a representative from the new setting can be invited if this is appropriate and if sufficient notice of a move is given.

Where necessary additional provision will be put in place such as a transition booklet, extra visits, social stories or sessions with the SENCO to prepare the student by looking at maps of the school, the uniform etc.