Community Library

Reading is a high profile subject in our school! Our aim is to not only have every pupils read at the expected standard and beyond, but to love reading - to read for pleasure and to use it to underpin all parts of our integrated curriculum.

What better way to encourage reading than to have a library - not just a library for our pupils - one for parents and the whole community! Even better - it's free!

Using books donated by our wonderful parents and friends of the school, North Thoresby Primary Academy's Community Library is in the foyer at the main entrance. The idea is that of a 'book exchange’ in that you can come and choose some books to borrow or keep and bring in any books you no longer want for someone else to enjoy.

We have a good selection of children and adult books which you are most welcome to come and browse through to take a book of your choice. It is completely free and we welcome members of the wider community.

Opening of the library with our Trust CEO, Julian Drinkall