English Curriculum

Reading and Writing

English Curriculum at North Thoresby Primary Academy

Intent -

At North Thoresby Primary Academy we deliver a whole rounded English curriculum to develop pupils reading, grammar and writing skills, providing them with skills for life. We strive to embed a passion for literature, where pupils not only read and write creatively for academic purposes, but for a love for reading, storytelling and inquisitive fact finding.

Implementation –

Our integrated approach means that our English Curriculum is delivered in an engaging and innovative way. We deliver lessons which provide regular opportunities to apply reading, spelling, grammar and writing skills. With an additional emphasis on incorporating English within the wider curriculum with class readers relating to topic or science. Ensuring that a high standard of English grammar is upheld across all subjects.

Impact –

The success of our English curriculum is reflected throughout our school. We have pupils who are enthusiastic and excited to discuss their class books and share their own written work. Using class readers as a tool for engagement has had a positive impact on learning with pupils eager to write for purpose, covering a range of genres, alongside creating opportunities in the wider curriculum, topic and science.

For more details see the English Policy at the bottom of the page.

Subject Displays Reading and Writing NT KS1.pdf
Subject Displays Reading and Writing NT KS2.pdf