SEND INFORMATION REPORT – North Ormesby Primary Academy


‘The governing bodies of maintained schools and maintained nursery schools and the proprietors of academy schools must publish information on their websites about the implementation of the governing body’s or the proprietor’s policy for pupils with SEND. The information published must be updated annually and any changes to the information occurring during the year must be updated as soon as possible. The information required is set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and must include the following:’


1. The kinds of special educational needs that are provided for

In North Ormesby we cater for children with developmental delays, moderate learning difficulties, behavioural/social/emotional difficulties, moderate hearing/visual impairments, International new arrivals including pupils who are new to English or have English as a second language, children who have missed part of their schooling and children who move schools mid-year


2. Policy for identifying children and young people with SEND and assessing their needs, including the name and contact details of the SENDCO (mainstream schools)

Our SENDCo is Mrs Rebecca Elliot but SEND issues can also be discussed with the Principal, Mrs Helen Charlton or any member of our Pastoral Team including , Miss Cassie Williams (Safeguarding, Attendance and Family Support Lead). Those with concerns or queries are advised to telephone the school on 01642 247985 or email us at 

Pupils are monitored and discussed half termly at pupil progress dialogues, where pupils with any additional needs are identified and further support provided in the academy or additional outside agency specialist support is accessed and provided. The pastoral team also meets regularly to discuss key children and any additional support they can access or provide. This follows the SEND Code of Practice approach of ‘assess, plan, do and review’.


3. Arrangements for consulting parents of children with SEN and involving them in their child’s education

Parents of children with additional needs will receive information about their child’s progress on a regular basis and are able to discuss this with the SENDCo, class teacher or pastoral team. Parent consultations are held twice per year and most SEND pupils’ parents have ongoing dialogue with the SENDCo, class teacher and other members of the Pastoral team. Plans are in place to further develop this via use of Provision Map for ongoing dialogue around intervention and support. A written report on progress for each individual pupil is provided annually in July.


4. Arrangements for consulting young people with SEN and involving them in their education

All SEND pupils are made aware of their individual targets and how to achieve them. Children receiving any additional academic support are consulted on the ways to accelerate their learning. Children meet with staff regularly to discuss their learning in ‘Progress Checks’. There is also an active Academy Council where pupils are able to voice issues associated with the academy.


5. Arrangements for assessing and reviewing children and young people’s progress towards outcomes, including the opportunities available to work with parents and young people as part of this assessment and review

Teachers use a new assessment tool named ‘Evidence for Learning’ which gives them the opportunity to attribute key National Curriculum statements to pupils’ work/learning frequently throughout the school day, thus improving the quantity and quality of assessment information available each half term for each pupil. Pupil progress dialogues focus on half termly progress. Any further support needed is then provided. Pupils are made aware of their successes and also when progress is deemed insufficient, possible reasons why are discussed and actions taken to improve over the following half term. Parents will also be encouraged to help the child make progress by also supporting outside of school with additional reading etc. Some parents of children identified as having additional needs will also receive more support through targeted conversations and support from the pastoral team members.


6. Arrangements for supporting children and young people in moving between phases of education and in preparing for adulthood. As young people prepare for adulthood outcomes should reflect their ambitions, which could include higher education, employment, independent living and participation in society

At the end of each phase relevant targets are set and discussed with pupils. They are supported in knowing how to achieve them. Transition to another setting is also supported as much as possible by contacting the admitting school to share support already given etc. For pupils being admitted to the academy, dialogue will also take place with the previous school to ensure continuity of care and approaches. Visitors to the academy from the ‘world of work’ are encouraged to enable children to be aspirational. North Ormesby also work closely with all secondary schools and academies that pupils may transition to , arranging observations, visits, meetings and the transferring of information, where appropriate. 


7. The approach to teaching children and young people with SEN

The approach to teaching children with SEND differs according to need. We have high expectations of what children can achieve and plan lessons and use resources to demonstrate this. We use a varied range of teaching styles, differentiated materials (where required), additional in-class support, additional out-of-class support, flexible groupings, use of a rewards and sanctions system, mentoring and counselling and many extra-curricular activities. As a 1:1 iPad school, technology plays a substantial role in differentiating learning and accounting for different learning approaches, styles and needs, and we have a ‘flexible’ approach to seating within each classroom, where pupils are given a choice to work where they feel most comfortable and most efficient. 


8. How adaptations are made to the curriculum and the learning environment of children and young people with SEN

The curriculum is based around the interests and needs of the children, and reading and writing are prioritised due to this. Children with SEND receive additional support in core subjects through planned interventions. The classroom environments change each term to engage the children actively in their learning and each classroom has a ‘flexible’ approach to the seating arrangements. 


9. The expertise and training of staff to support children and young people with SEN, including how specialist expertise will be secured

INSET is delivered by the SENDCo, members of the pastoral team, Academy Trust SEND Consultants or outside specialists and time is spent with individual staff when needed. Outreach support is used and staff gain knowledge by visiting other settings. The SENDCo and the pastoral team works closely with other services including the Education Psychologist, CAMHS, Speech and Language and the School Nurse.


10. Evaluating the effectiveness of the provision made for children and young people with SEN

Each half term when assessments are completed, the progress of children with SEND is measured. Staff who deliver interventions meet with SENDCo/Vulnerable Pupils Champion and SLT to evaluate and adapt provision according to need. A new on-line tool named ‘Provision Map’ is used to record each and every provision/intervention ran in school and the effectiveness of each provision is evaluated using a pre and post-test where possible.


11. How children and young people with SEN are enabled to engage in activities available with children and young people in the school who do not have SEN

Children with SEND are offered the same opportunities as all other children and are actively encouraged to participate in after-school clubs, lunchtime clubs and any other school activities.


12. Support for improving emotional and social development. This should include extra pastoral support arrangements for listening to the views of children and young people with SEN and measures to prevent bullying

Children have regular PSHE/Citizenship lessons and activities. We also have assemblies led by other professionals such as police/nursing. We celebrate good attitudes and behaviour each week in assembly and have an academy council. Children have the opportunity to speak about their learning when involved in ‘Progress Checks’ and our teaching of metacognition offers opportunities for all children to discuss their learning and what works best for them. 


13. How the school involves other bodies, including health and social care bodies, local authority support services and voluntary sector organisations, in meeting children and young people’s SEN and supporting their families

We work closely with other agencies such as the police, PCSOs, health, social services and some reading volunteers in order to support all children and their families. Via our pastoral team approach and innovative use of staff such as our Safeguarding leads, we are able to offer creative solutions to being inclusive and meeting the needs of the individual child.

Our approach to EAL