
The Academy uniform currently consists of a:

royal blue sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan/hoodie

grey or black school trousers, skirt, pinafore or black joggers

white polo shirt

black sensible school shoes

PE uniform is:

a pair of blue shorts

a yellow t-shirt

plimsolls or trainers.

(A plain dark track suit may also be worn in the colder weather)

All academy uniform is available to purchase from:


20 Norfolk Place



Tel: 01642 225827

Lollipops also have a pre-loved uniform rail various school and PE uniform completely free of charge.

Plain royal blue sweatshirt, grey school trousers or pinafore, white polo shirt, blue shorts and yellow t-shirt can be purchased at most of the local supermarkets.

Pre-loved uniform is available in the NOPA Eco-shop.