The Consultation Process

Since September 2020, it has been a statutory requirement that all schools in England and Wales are teaching Relationships, Sex and Health Education as a fundamental part of the curriculum. 

As part of implementing the RSHE curriculum, we have consulted with pupils, staff and governors to ensure there is a general consensus on our approaches to policy and the curriculum content.

2024 - 2025 

RSHE Letter

Information for Parents 


What is Jigsaw, the mindful approach

to PSHE (ages 3-11)?


Relationships Education,

Health Education and Sex Education in the Primary School

How does Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE

(ages 3-11) approach these subjects?


Jigsaw PSHE mapped to the DFE Statutory Relationships and Health Education guidance


How does the Jigsaw 3-11 meet the Personal, Social and

Emotional Development (PSED) Early Learning Goals?