Financial Reporting

AET Financial Reporting

Please click on the following link to access the audited AET group financial statements (these contain details of payments to Trustees):

If you would like to view the academy's gift register a copy is available on request

Please see reports below detailing how the academy's Pupil Premium and Sports Funding received during the academic year 13/14 has been spent and the impact of the funding on the outcomes of pupils in receipt of the funding.

Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)

Our last PPG review was July 2018

Our PP grant for this academic year is:

The pupil premium for 18-19

Sept 18 - Mar 19 - £102,410

Estimated Apr 19 - Aug 19 - £74,428

Total 18-19- £176,838

Our Aim:

To narrow and ultimately diminish the difference in attainment between pupils in receipt of pupil premium (ever6) looked after premium or forces premium and those children not in receipt of additional premiums.

Barriers to learning faced by eligible pupils at the academy:

Poor attendance

Lack of homework

Mobility means pupils accountable for change regularly

No access to learning support materials at home

Poor literacy and numeracy skills of some parents so they can’t support their children

Lack of value for education

Phonics gaps

Mental health issues

English as a new or additional language

SLCN issues

Challenging family circumstances (impact of substance misuse/dv etc.)

Access to a nutritious diet

Experience deficit (few other experiences outside of family home)


Provision Tracking via use of Provision Map Tool will evidence impact on progress - reviewed half termly by SLT

Desired outcomes:

Raised attainment of pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding,

Diminishing differences between all pupil groups

Improving attendance to a minimum 96%

Increase parental engagement with the academy and education as a whole

Improve life experiences for children

Ensuring equity of opportunity

Ensuring health and well-being

Sports Premium

Funding for 2018-19 amounted to £17,874. Please see the attached impact report for full details of how this grant is being used to improve the quality of PE and Sport in our academy.

In April 2013 the Government announced new funding for PE and Sport. The funding should be used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision.

We are free to determine how best to use this funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and Sport in school. This can include increasing participation in PE and Sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.

At North Ormesby Primary Academy we have:-

  • Allocated funding to train some Y6 pupils to become sports leaders and run sporting activities at break and lunchtimes to encourage all children to join in physical activities throughout the school day
  • Allocated funding for additional staff CPD for circuit training and PE to music
  • Allocated funding to purchase additional sports equipment for use on the yard during break and lunch times
  • Funded after school sports clubs for KS1 and KS2
  • Allocated funding together with other schools to the County Sports Partnership Network to deliver high quality physical education, sport physical activity, and competitions.
  • Increased participation in sports tournaments by funding transport costs
  • Funded Intensive swimming for Y5/6 pupils so they can swim 25m
  • Whole school fun fit sessions


By training young sports leaders and encouraging the adoption of a healthy lifestyle by all pupils we are hopeful this will stay with them and lead to the sustainability of the interventions and provision