
At FDA, we are committed to ensuring all children have regular access to food, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

There are two ways in which we are doing this:

If your child is entitled to Free School Meals, then send an email to and we will arrange for the vouchers to be emailed to you.

We are providing weekly food parcels to any family in our community that needs them. This is separate to Free School Meal Vouchers and can be used in addition to this, if needed. Food parcels can be collected from the primary school between 1:30- 2:30 pm on Mondays and Fridays . 

The food is provided from a number of sources, including Magic Breakfast, The Active Wellbeing Society and Fair Share. 

B32 CommUnity are working in the school as a basis for collecting and distributing this wonderful supply of food. 

To sign up to our free food parcel scheme contact Mrs Nott through the  Primary school office (0121 464 3351) or email

To register with for food parcels (if you or a family member is considered vulnerable due to age or health issues) visit the website or call

Birmingham: 0121 303 1116

Sandwell: 0121 7287030 or 0121 569 2266

Dudley: 01384 573 381

Further information on providing vulnerable or elderly people with food: 

To be find out more about accessing supermarket delivery slots, then this article from WHICH? is very useful. 

Sainsbury's has asked customers aged 70+ to register for delivery slots on 0800 953 4988