Character Curriculum

Remarkable Passport 

Character Curriculum

Our Character Curriculum is at the core of what is important to us and we strive to provide a wide range of opportunities and experiences for all of our pupils. It is our desire that our pupils and their families value their learning and seize all and any opportunity wholeheartedly, therefore we aim to ensure the offer to learn is strong in every classroom.

We aim to develop our pupils’ characters through the growth of relationships that define us as human. Through our curriculum, we develop a set of values which enable each and every one of our pupils to lead a remarkable life. 


At Four Dwellings Academy, we choose to be unusually brave. We're not afraid to challenge wrongs, to make the right call, even when it's both unusual and difficult to do so.


We always strive to push the limits. We don't settle for less than excellent and we won't allow our students to either. We resolve to overcome any self-imposed limits.


We commit to being big-hearted. We choose to treat each other with kindness, warmth and care, believing that everybody matters and believing in one another.


We are on the search for discovering what's possible. We look to create 'eureka moments' for our students, helping them discover a world of possibilities and opportunities.

The focus is taught through curriculum links and special theme days, displayed in the classrooms and referred to regularly in all aspects of school life.

Extra-Curricular Clubs

All pupils are offered the chance to join extra-curricular school clubs. Club choices range from chess to steel pans; coding to debate mate. These clubs ensure that pupils are offered a broad curriculum and wide range of experiences in their school career.  The clubs are very popular and pupils are encouraged to attend regularly ensuring commitment and resilience.

Here is our Extra Curricular Activity Timetable

Additional Sports Experiences

In addition to PE, we offer a range of sports activities every lunchtime and after school. We also participate in local leagues for a number of different sports. Not only do these encourage our pupils to understand the importance of a fit and healthy lifestyle, but also the importance of teamwork, leadership and communication.

Trips and Visitors into School

We provide a wide range of trips and visitors for all pupils linked to our curriculum.

My Remarkable Passport

All of our pupils have a Remarkable Passport which is their digital passport to evidence the opportunities, encounters and experiences that help them to lead a remarkable life. 

My Remarkable Passport is the place where pupils can record the encounters, opportunities, activities and experiences that they have been involved in both at school and beyond.

Pupils can upload evidence - such as photos, video, audio, certificates and pieces of work.

Pupils can also reflect on the skills they have developed and highlight links to demonstrate the AET values in action and their progress through the AET ‘I Can’ Pledge.

Teachers can record activities for pupils.