Key Stage 3 Options

Within key stage 3 (year 9), in addition to their core curriculum, students are given an opportunity to choose their subject options in preparation for key stage 4.

The options process takes place throughout February and April, and links with the outcomes of Year 9 examinations so that students can make informed decisions. Students attend an introductory assembly and lessons are tailored so subjects clearly outline the expectations, content and assessment. Students also have sessions during tutor time to explore websites tailored towards exploring options and how these link with careers and labour market information

It is important that students choose subjects to support future career ambitions. An independent Careers Advisor is available to discuss options with students and parents during Year 9 Parents Evening or drop in sessions can also be arranged. Parents and students have an individual meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership team to support the process.

Students should talk this through with their parent/carer so that there is a shared understanding of what the student’s plans are and what is needed to achieve it.

The core curriculum

  • English (Language and Literature)

  • Maths

  • Science (3 Single Sciences or Combined Science)

  • ICT

  • PE

  • Religious Studies

Option subjects (options blocks are created to suit the choices of each particular year group)

All students choose 3 options. Most students are expected to choose History or Geography. Students who are likely to achieve a good GCSE at Modern Foreign Languages are strongly advised to choose French as a second option.

Additional options offered include (GCSE unless

  • Art

  • Drama

  • Food and Nutrition

  • French

  • Geography

  • Health & Social Care (BTEC)

  • History

  • Music (BTEC)

  • Resistant Materials

  • Travel and tourism (BTEC)

  • Sport (BTEC)

  • Textiles