Year 4 Newts

About my teacher

Miss Harding

Favourite colour: Yellow

Favourite book: The Goldfinch – Donna Tartt

Favourite food: Ramen

Favourite place: The Isle of Wight, UK

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be – The Galapagos Islands

If you were Prime Minister what 2 things would you change -  More affordable public transport and a greater budget for schools.

Look what we have been learning this term

Year 4 overview

Copy of Y4 Curriculum Map

Class newsletters 2023 - 2024

Year 4 newsletter.pdf

Autumn 2023

Class newsletters Archive

Copy of year 4 newsletter Aut 22

Autumn 2022

Copy of year 4 newsletter.docx

Spring 2023

year 4 newsletter - summer.docx

Summer 2023