Reading Champions

Our Reading Champion pupil leaders are a team of children from Key Stage One and Two who are responsible for promoting a love of and enjoyment in reading across school and helping to make sure that the school environment reflects this aim.


Our Reading Champions team all love reading and want all of the other children in school to have a passion for reading too. They are finding lots of exciting ways to promote reading throughout school and helping get children hooked on books

Reading Champions  2023 - 2024

Reading Champions 2022 - 2023

An author came to school!

Kirstie Watson is a children's writer, author and publisher based in Milton Keynes. Her debut book, The Witch's Cat and The Cooking Catastrophe has sold over 50k copies worldwide. She has since published 9 further titles, including her first children's chapter book, The Tales of The Witch's Cat: The Puppy Problem and her latest picture book, Ogg, The Super Frog. 


Kirstie did a workshop with every class in the school. The children thoroughly enjoyed finding out about Kirstie and her job as an author. Kirstie also praised our pupils on their love of reading and model behaviour. 

The children were inspired and some children then wrote books of their own. Kirstie has since been back for a quick visit, met with children that had written books and even donated over 100 books to our school.

The school reading champions also organised a book signing session with Kirstie, they had the opppourtunity to speak with Kirstie and get a selection of books signed for our school. They reading champions then delivered a pack of books to each class.