Outdoor learning

Taking the curriculum outdoors can have a considerably beneficial impact on the learning and development of our pupils at Charles Warren Academy. From enhancing problems solving skills to communication and resilience, outdoor learning provides endless opportunities for exploration, experimentation and contextual learning.

We are very lucky to have our own little forest!

This year we received the Bronze and Silver Woodland Trust Award. We were rewarded for doing environmental projects such as tree planting, recycling and visiting woods.

Bronze Award certificate.pdf
Silver Award Certificate.pdf

Look at some of the things we did to achieve our awards!


We also have our own allotment at Charles Warren Academy.

Each year group has their own space in the allotment. At the beginning of the year the class decide what they would like their allotment to look like and achieve by the end of the year.

In taking an active role in children are learning to care for our environment and to share with each other what they have been able to achieve. The delight on the children's faces when they are all able to pick and taste the produce they have grown themselves is fantastic and very rewarding.