

At Charles Warren Academy we believe that History should progressively cover the skills and concepts which are required by the National Curriculum. Those skills, which we revisit throughout the different units are: Interpretations; investigations; chronological understanding; knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in the past; presenting, organising and communicating. Through the use of our Ark Curriculum, we aim to cover a wide range of historical events and periods, giving the children the opportunity to cover the topics in detail.


We use the Ark Curriculum from My Mastery to implement our history lessons. These are structured to revise prior knowledge frequently, allowing the children to embed that knowledge well, before moving forwards to learn new skills and information. Teachers can choose to delve deeper into certain areas, whilst skimming over those of which the children already have a good understanding. Key vocabulary is built into each lesson, and displayed prominently around the classroom to support learning. . 


We want to ensure that History is loved by both teachers and pupils, all across the school, encouraging them to continue building on the wealth of historical knowledge and understanding that they have gained with us. We also measure the impact through child-led assessment, key questioning skills which are built into the lessons, and end of unit assessments. 

Working Walls

                                EYFS                                                                                            KS1

Curriculum Map


Knowledge and Skills Progression


Further resources to try at home