AET Launches the Modelling Mindsets Campaign


Last year, AET launched Project H, to nurture a culture of honesty, humility, and heterodoxy in all of our schools and across our network.

The Project H Mindsets sit at the heart of our efforts to build an open approach that enables school and network improvement. These five mindsets, guiding the actions of all our staff, are essential to the culture we are trying to embed.

To celebrate the people driving this cultural change, we have launched the Modelling Mindsets Awards - a trust-wide campaign that celebrates the teachers and support staff whose efforts change the lives of our students in every classroom, every day. 

As a staff-led initiative, the Modelling Mindsets campaign has been launched to create a culture of appreciation in AET schools: empowering our people to celebrate one another and create a positive atmosphere that values and honours the contributions of all of our staff.

From now until June, teachers and support staff from any of AET’s 57 schools can nominate their exceptional teaching colleagues in five distinct award categories that embody the Project H Mindsets in their practice to improve the lives of young people:

Those who have been nominated by their peers will be invited to join a trust-led events programme to develop their expertise. They will also be invited to contribute their insights to the Project H website, AET's school improvement platform, where we are sharing the experiences and expertise of our staff beyond our network to benefit more children and communities.

To learn more about Project H and the Project H Mindsets visit