One AET: Christmas 

20th December 2019

Capturing the spirit of Christmas, we have carols by candlelight from Ryde, Christmas Jumper Day at Eversholt Street and getting us ready for 2020, we have a calendar design by children at The Green Way.

Carols by Candlelight 11th December: Ryde

On Wednesday 11th December the Academy held their annual Carols by Candlelight service at St James’s in Lind Street. It was well attended and the congregation were treated to readings by students, carol singing by the Academy’s student/staff choir as well as duets and solo performances 

The singers were supported by Vectis Brass Band who gave up their time to play at the service.

Principal, Joy Ballard said ‘We are proud of being part of the community in Ryde and the Island and the carol service has become an important event in our calendar. It was lovely to see so many parents, staff and other members of the community there. Thank you to James Leggitt, the Church’s minister, and his staff for allowing us to hold it at their church and to Vectis Brass Band.

Christmas Jumpers

Our collection is so far at around £60... and counting for Save the Children!

2020 Calendar made by pupils at The Green Way

Winton's Christmas Fayre

Our Christmas fayre is an event that is looked forward to every year. With stalls growing more intriguing and entertaining each year, this Christmas fayre was the best yet. A huge crowd, tables from almost all our tutor groups and guests from outside the school raising a huge amount of money to go towards school projects and ideas. 

It was amazing to see our community come together and support our school with stalls ranging from slush-puppy machines to smashing crockery and Santa’s grotto with our very own Father Christmas. Each year there is a competition within the tutor groups for which stall can raise the most money. This year the winning stall belonged to Mr Lee’s tutor where visitors had to hammer nails into a block of wood with the least number of strokes. 

This year we had many sponsors for our raffle which raised a huge amount of money. We had beautiful Christmas cupcakes, homemade Christmas decorations, a wide selection of wines and lots of little goodies that brought smiles to everyone’s faces. 

We would like to give a huge thank you to all tutors, students, teachers and members of our community for taking part, giving your time and for your general support. Thank you to all those who donated raffle prizes. Thank you to Mr Elsey for setting up the lights and sound system once again, evoking the Christmas spirit in Winton. Thank you to Mrs Lusk for her continued support with the prefect team in setting up the event and making it possible. 

We thoroughly enjoyed being part of the fayre and giving back to the community that has been supporting us through our years at Winton. We, as a prefect team, look forward to taking part in future events to support our school and seeing the money we raised as a community put to good use.