Teaching and support staff across AET receive Modelling Mindsets nominations

Date: 22/04/24

Last term, we launched the Modelling Mindsets Awards for our staff to celebrate and recognise their colleagues whose efforts transform the lives of our students in every classroom, every day.

With five distinct award categories, the Modelling Mindsets Awards celebrate how staff apply the Project H Mindsets in their day to day roles, which are essential to how we build and embed our culture at AET. 

As we have kicked off the summer term, certificates have been sent out to the first set of nominees across the country.

It has been fantastic to see teachers nationwide being recognised for their excellent work every day. But we plan to go further - on our dedicated website Project H website, we will be celebrating the achievements of our nominees and showcasing the difference they make in our schools until the end of the school year. 

As we share stories about the impact of our staff, we will share a positive narrative about the teaching profession and highlight the extraordinary efforts of the individuals who enrich students' lives. For more on the Modelling Mindsets Awards, read Unity Jones’s blog on the Project H website, where she explains why we are sharing updates from this campaign to recognise the positive, joyful things happening every day in schools.

On social media, school leaders congratulated their staff and shared photos of them holding their certificates. 

One nominee described how he was ‘very humbled to have received these recognitions’ from his colleagues, while others shared the celebrations on social media. 

Nominations are still open, so there is still time for AET staff to champion those who have made a real impact on the children they teach.

Stay updated on the campaign by visiting the Project H website.