Bexleyheath Academy celebrates successfully teaching nearly 1,000 students

London secondary school designs virtual learning system for all students

In the first week of school closures, Bexleyheath Academy has to date educated nearly 1,000 pupils remotely every day, having designed an effective virtual learning system to ensure no student misses out on their education.

The school day starts with a virtual all-staff briefing at the beginning of every day, followed by assemblies online via YouTube before virtual classes get started at 8.45am.

Staff then deliver their lessons live lessons over video link, or using live resources with all work comprehensively organised online. Teachers are given clear guidance on what is expected for each lesson and what they should expect from their students.

There is clear planning in place. Staff submit their lesson plans by 2pm the preceding day, and these are then reviewed by senior leadership who provide any necessary feedback ahead of time. This is not just limited to academic lessons either, with the PE staff providing a Workout of the Week video for students to get their exercise while staying indoors.

Meanwhile the school has designed a virtual dashboard for all parents and students. This has a timetable for each year group, key information for setting up their virtual learning environment, ‘how to’ guides for accessing and uploading work sheets, and a list of key contacts in case of any issues.

Bexleyheath Academy is committed to ensuring their students do not receive any drop in the quality of their education. Their aim is also to help parents with childcare, as they can ensure children are kept busy with their online learning.

Graeme Napier, Principal at Bexleyheath Academy, said:

“I am so proud of all our students and staff for reacting so quickly and effectively to this new way of working. We know that there will be challenges ahead in the coming weeks but I know that we will be able to meet them head on, and we will continue to offer a great education to our community.

“The last few days have gone to show the strength of our school community. I know that it has been a strange experience for a number of our students, but I hope they are starting to enjoy their new ways of learning. We are all finding our feet and I fully expect our virtual teaching to go from strength to strength during this time.”

A parent of students in Year 9 and 11 said:

"This is just a little email from me to say what an absolutely fantastic job you are all doing at Bexleyheath Academy for the children, regarding everything. I have seen over Facebook and personal experience the provision is phenomenal. My children are enthusiastic about their work that has been set, a little bit of normality at this terrible time.

“I have seen over Facebook that you are provided technology to, and I know the offer was there for us, please can you pass on this appreciation to everyone concerned. You are all doing an amazing job , and I’m sure you all have families to. So a massive thank you from me and my family. A very grateful parent!”