Barton Hill re-accredited with British Council International Schools Award

10th December 2019

Barton Hill Academy have been re-accredited with the British Council International Schools Award.

Their curriculum Intent is to provide pupils with opportunities to learn first-hand from their friends from other cultures to enrich teaching and learning. This was indeed recognised by the British Council assessors who highlighted that fact the International Dimension is impressive and firmly embedded in our curriculum and whole-school ethos. They congratulated Barton Hill on the numerous international school links, eTwinning and Erasmus partnerships we have which benefit both children, staff and the local community promoting citizenship and intercultural understanding through first-hand learning.

The collaboration the school has with teachers and students in their partner schools was described as being “dynamic and reciprocal” thus deeply enriching their curriculum.

They were congratulated in the Assessors Report on how they ensure that their pupils, who live in a coastal area where there are high levels of deprivation, are world aware and develop aspirational links to their global society. The report states that their pupils “are gaining citizenship skills and attributes and an appreciation for cultural diversity as well as international friendships, motivation for foreign language learning, broadened horizons and curiosity about the wider world.”