Celebrating success: AET Sixth Formers collect their results

Date: 17/08/23

A warm congratulations to all the Sixth Form students at AET who have received their A-Level results today. It is a momentous occasion, filled with emotions, celebrations, and anticipation for the exciting paths that these students will tread as they embark on their journey into higher education and the professional world.

The A-Level results achieved by AET students have been nothing short of exceptional, underscoring the hard work, dedication, and perseverance that these young individuals have demonstrated throughout their journeys in education. Their outcomes reflect not only their academic excellence but also their personal growth and development during their time at AET.

As we celebrate these brilliant achievements, it's important that we acknowledge the significant role that teachers, support staff, and families have played in shaping the success of our students. Their support, guidance, and mentorship have undoubtedly been instrumental in helping our students realise their academic goals.

This is the second year that exams have taken place as normal, with schools across the country still dealing with the impact of the pandemic. To support them and help prepare them for their exams, staff across the trust laid on additional curriculum time, revision sessions and used external tutors to bridge gaps in learning providing personalised support.  

Student successes

A huge well done to all our Sixth Form students on their A-Level results, and a heartfelt thank you to the entire AET community for your continued support. We look forward to witnessing the remarkable accomplishments and contributions that the future holds for these bright and talented individuals.

Rebecca Boomer-Clark, CEO of AET said:

“We are all so incredibly proud of our sixth formers today; they have worked so hard and shown great resilience over the last few years. I am delighted that they have done so well. I know how much today means to the staff team too – they have been there every step of the way providing support and encouragement and I know they will be full of emotion at how well the students have done. I wish them all the very best for their next exciting steps.”