

Visioning helps develop a common understanding of the problem to be solved. This provides a foundation for solving the problem by considering multiple angles and perspectives. In this stage, we begin establishing a “definition of done” which is an agreed-upon list of acceptance criteria that will be met when this project is complete. The definition of done will change and evolve over time. The following tools assist in establishing a vision by considering the needs of the user or customer. 

Project Planning Templates  

The following list of resources are templates to help get the plan off the ground and will guide students through steps of visioning, ideation, and initial planning. 

Visioning Activities 

Circle of Opportunity 

Victory Circle - Draw a circle and inside your circle, describe what does victory looks like? Feel like? Taste Like? After the project is launched, what will people  say about it? Imagine what victory looks like! 

SWOT Analysis 

Elevator Pitch