Sprint Backlog

Sprint Backlog

"The sprint backlog is a list of everything that the team commits to achieve in a given sprint. Once created, no one can add to the sprint backlog except the development team. " - Scrum Alliance

Sprint Resources

Capturing your work in the sprint can be done in many ways! From just a shared document to more sophisticated ways of sharing (digital project boards such as Trello).

Protip - Using tools that help teams to see and visualize the work is critical. This helps keep teams on the same page and it lets them know when something is done (or not done - this is great for accountability!) The Scrum board can help teams to see what specific work was determined in the sprint planning in the "To Do" column. We recommend using a physical board to do this with post-it notes.

We recommend using the Digital Project Canvas 3.0 or the Agile Project Canvas "to do Collumn" to capture the sprint backlog to capture sprint planning items from the backlog!