Team Building 

Team Building 

This is a critical part of creating an agile environment that makes safety a prerequisite and puts value on making people awesome. Check out some of the team-building activities to grow a culture of collaboration! 

Self Awareness Activities 

Being a good team member starts with self-awareness.  In an agile environment, teammates look inward to become self aware of their strengths and limitations. We believe everyone has a super-power to offer the group. Engage in some of these activities to learn your personality dispostion and take a closer look at individual values. 

16 Personalities Test

Personality test to learn how your personality influences areas of your life

True Colors Personality Test

Personality test to identify your leadership style and understand how to best interact with others

Personality Compass

Personality test to help understand how preferences impact group work with processing question

Agile Classrooms My World Map - Emotionally intelligent teams are very aware of each other’s world. Teammates that understand each other, as a whole person, are more resilient and appreciate each other's similarities and differences. 

Career Information System

Your Career Information System has a component for self-awareness. Bringing in the results of this inventory could spark great discussions around self-understanding.

Team Building Activities 

Check out this list of ideas

Or this list is great for professional development providers and could be modified for students.