The Scrum Team

The Scrum Team

The Scrum Team consists of the following roles: Product Owner, Scrum Master, and the Development Team.

The Product Owner

  • Responsible for the accuracy of the Product Backlog

  • A proxy for all the project stakeholders

  • The final say on whether or not a story has been completed

  • The team member who is most visible to the business

  • Better defined as a personality type than a set of skill

  • Concern for the what and not the how.

The Scrum Master

  • Responsible for the team adhering to the process

  • Responsible for keeping information radiators up-to-date

  • An impediment crusher - s/he ensures that the team can focus on their work

  • A meeting referee - ensures that meetings stay on track and within their time-box

  • Better defined as a personality type than a set of skills

  • Iron fist in a velvet glove

  • “Servant leader”

The Development Team

Self Organizing - no one tells the team how to turn backlog items into product increments

Cross-Functional - collectively, the team has the knowledge and skills to create the product increment

Title-less - Scrum recognizes no titles for team members

Accountable - team members may have specialized skills and areas, but accountability belongs to the team as a whole

Sized right - ideally consists of 3-9 people