Teacher Micro Business Grants

South Sudanese refugees saw the need to educate their children in hopes of a better future, so they started a school from nothing, under a tree. Sadly, most of the teachers that started this school in 2017 have left. They couldn’t continue serving without a salary.

Being a refugee community school, the burden of salaries for the teachers rests on the parents. Yet, their financial condition makes it very difficult to pay school fees that are high enough to translate to meaningful wages for the teachers.

So, several teachers have continued to serve the dreams of this community as they teach without a salary. We hope to ease some of the financial burden by offering micro business grants to teachers and their families. The grants will be offered once a business plan has been turned in. Each portion of seed money will be followed up every three months to evaluate successes and struggles, proffer solutions, and invite experts to guide where necessary. These check-in meetings will make available more funds for those meeting the agreed upon standards.

In this way, the financial stress will be lessened for those who continue forward growth. They will not have to leave the school to find other ways to support their children, because a school without teachers is a school without hope If you want to donate hit the button below.