Literacy Needs

Probably the greatest need of Hope Primary School at the moment is books...textbooks, children's literature, leveled readers, workbooks, resource books, curriculum for the teachers. You name it, they need it. How can they teach reading without books?

The illiteracy rate in South Sudan is 80%, but what if the hundreds of children currently in the camps in Uganda could learn to read while they are waiting to return back to their country? What if, when they return they could read and teach others to read? What could that do towards bringing education which leads to peace? Our heart is to empower the refugees, both teachers and children to be prepared for the return.

We need others to come alongside us to supply the funds to purchase books. We need others to go and take books. Advancing Leaders International has donated 1/3 of the textbooks needed. Will you consider donating for the other 2/3's? Just look at those eager faces!