carmen Soliz

Favorite Quote:

“ To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark.”

- Victor Hugo


  • Name: Carmen Soliz

  • High School Teacher

department: world languages and cultures


  • Degrees :

  • High School Teacher, Escuela Normal Superior, La Paz

  • Licenciatura en Educación, Universidad Santo Tomás.

  • Certifications:

  • Learning to teach online, UNSW, Sydney

  • Organización y Administración Curricular en Aula - Educación Superior, Min. de Educación

  • Ciclo de Aprendizajes Diferenciados, FORPI, Compañía de Jesús

  • Diseño Curricular Educación Superior, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.

  • El Enfoque Sistémico de los Objetivos de la Enseñanza, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.

  • Historia del Arte de los Siglos XIX y XX, Min. de Educación y Cultura.

  • Professional Experience:

  • Spanish as a Second Language, Spanish Literature and Culture, Bolivian History and Geography, ACS

  • Tutoring and mentoring young and adult students from the American and Brazilian Embassy.ACS, 2012 -

  • Taught "Composición, Redacción Comercial, Redacción Oficial y Redacción Diplomática" and "Relaciones Humanas - Instituto Comercial Superior de la Nación, INCOS.

  • Taught English and Spanish ranging from age 7 to adults - Public and Private Schools. -CBA, German School, San Ignacio School and Saint Andrew's School.

  • Taught English and Spanish ranging from age 7 to adults

  • Translated scientific works in the Mining-Metallurgical field, Universidad Técnica de Oruro


I was born and raised in Oruro, where I worked in public schools and at the German School for about twenty years. Then my family and I moved to La Paz. I am married and have three children, a girl and two boys

Teaching has been my passion and I think treating students as individuals helps them develop the skills they need to face the future. Reading creates scenarios in which student's feel outside their comfort zones and are confronted with new situations that set them to think critically, discover their own potentials, and reinforce their values to become good citizens.

I enjoy traveling, watching movies, observing Nature, walking, listening to music, and spending time with family and friends. Reading is my favorite hobby.

Teaching at ACS and going hand by hand with technology every day is an amazing experience, as it is to contribute students reach the school Mission, Vision and Core Values.