AVID Sheeler/Lopez

Teacher Bio

My name is Amy Sheeler. I have worked at Asheville Middle School since 2000. I consider this school my home away from home and have dedicated the last 20 years to my students and career. I began teaching AVID in 2012. Helping students and parents navigate college readiness through this national program has been my privilege. I come from a large family and really could have benefited from the skills that this program teaches. I also have an identical twin sister that lives in Woodfin. We were born in Wisconson but went to public schools in Clearwater, Florida. I am considered a "half-back" by local standards. You can still hear my Midwestern accent thanks to this.

I have two daughters, Josie-17 and Jayna- 15. My husband, daughters, and I live in Leicester on a little farm with chickens, pigs, cats, dog and lots of gardens. We love the great outdoors! We recently installed game cameras and now get to see all of the animals that share our land like bears, deer, foxes and I'm sure much more. I look forward to working with you this year!

Google Meet Link

Each class has their own code for Meets. Go to meet.google.com and enter your code during your scheduled synchronous learning time.

Mrs. Sheeler's advisory: AMSsheelerA Mrs. Sheeler´s class code: amssheeler Mrs. Lopez´s class code: amsavidlopez

Mrs. Lopez's advisory: AMSlopezA

Course Syllabus

First Two Weeks Assignment

Link to your assignment document from Google Drive.