Community and Provider Trainings  

The following trainings are at no cost to participants. 

Safe Sleep 

Community Member & Early Childhood Provider Training

 In this course you will learn more about the top 10 tips for a safe sleep environment, sort through the myths & facts of safe sleep, and see what a safe sleep space looks like!

This program is for parents, community members, and early childhood providers. Infant crying is a normal part of every infant's development. This program helps parents, community members, & early childhood providers better understand this part of their baby’s life with tips on how to navigate this time in healthy, supportive ways. This training is for providers. 

Learn more about the Safe Sleep Program here.

To find out when the next Safe Sleep course will be held in your area or to register, visit the upcoming events tab or click here.

 Period of Purple Crying

Community Member & Early Childhood Provider Training

Infant crying is a normal part of every infant's development. 

This program helps parents, family members, & early childhood providers better understand this part of their baby’s life with tips on how to navigate this time in healthy, supportive ways. 

Learn more about the Period of Purple Crying Program here.

To find out when the next Period of Purple Crying course will be held in your area or to register, visit the upcoming events tab or click here.

Mandated Reporter Training

Provider Training

This training focuses on the roles and responsibilities of being a Mandated Reporter under Maine law, how to identify risk factors and indicators of child abuse and/or neglect, and how to make a report if abuse and/or neglect are suspected.

Learn more about the Mandated Reporter Training here.

To find out when the next Period of Purple Crying course will be held in your area or to register, visit the upcoming events tab or click here.

Protective Factors Training

Community Member & Provider Training

This program is grounded in research that has identified the important protective factors that strengthen every growing family. In this training, you will learn about the five protective factors, how to notice them in day to day interactions, and how to support building protective factors within families and communities.

The five protective factors include, Protective Factors: Parental Resilience, Social Connections, Knowledge of Parent and Child Development, Concrete Supports in Times of Need, Social and Emotional Competence of Children, and Healthy Parent Child Relationships. 

Learn more about the Protective Factors Training here.

To find out when the next Protective Factors course will be held in your area or to register, visit the upcoming events tab or click here.

The Front Porch Project

Community Member & Provider Training

The Front Porch Project is based on the belief that everyone has a role in helping protect children and support families in their community. This program provides community members with knowledge, training, and encouragement they need to take an active role in supporting families. This training is for providers. 

This training increases awareness of child abuse and neglect prevention and what impact culture, gender, and socioeconomic status can have on parenting style, identifies when and how to offer support or step in to protect a child in a dangerous situation, discusses possible responses, interventions, and problem-solving strategies along with any roadblocks you may encounter.

Learn more about the Front Porch Project here.

To find out when the next Front Porch Project training will be held in your area or to register, visit the upcoming events tab or click here.