
Family Mealtime Activities

Family dinners are at the heart of keeping our most important relationships strong, but at the end of a long day we know that they can be exhausting. Explore these games to bring bonding back into mealtime.

Still on the fence about mealtime games? Check out this article to learn about the benefits of bonding during family mealtimes: Benefits of Family Mealtimes 

Parent Child Activity 

Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth. Play also offers an ideal opportunity for parents to engage fully with their children. 

Planning ahead for activities can limit stress and help parents feel more prepared to enjoy time with their children. Visit this site to learn more play ideas by age: Parent Child Play 

Conversation Starters

​​​​​​​​​​​​How we communicate can affect our relationships with family, friends, teachers and other people. As a parent, you play an important part in teaching your child to communicate in a healthy way. With everything they see you do and hear you say, you're modeling verbal and nonverbal communication and listening skills. (1) 

As life gets busy, it can be difficult to slow down and foster meaningful conversations. Explore these conversation starters and visit this site for conversation ideas and tips for kids of all ages: Conversation Starters 

Keepsake Crafts

Keepsake crafts are wonderful ways to capture special moments and create lasting memories. Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, or simply want to preserve precious milestones, here is a delightful keepsake craft idea:

Reading Activities 

Parents hear all the time that it’s important to read to kids. The benefits of reading together go far beyond learning to read. Reading to young children is an important way to help them build language skills. It exposes them to new words and ways of using language. It also helps them learn general information about the world. Click here to learn more

Activities partnered with your child's favorite book are fantastic ways for your child to show off their creativity while working on developing new skills and bonding together. Check out this activity!