Aroostook Council for Healthy Families 

Welcome to Aroostook Council for Healthy Families

Get Started

Parenting can be hard, we're here to help!

Home Visiting

Our caring and professional home visitors partner with parents and parents-to-be to access the information and resources that can support the physical and emotional health of their baby and entire family

Parent Education

Parent education classes are offered virtually and in person at no cost to participants. Classes are offered in a range of ages and stages to ensure all parents receive the support they need

Professional Trainings

Professional and community trainings are offered virtually and in person at no cost to participants. Classes explore topics to support providers and community members in safe practices and understanding how to successfully walk alongside families to reach their goals.

Groups & Events

Groups and events are offered monthly throughout Aroostook County. This is a time for parents and children to spend quality time together and engage in fun activities.


Provider and self-referrals can easily be made for the Maine Families Home Visiting Program, Parent Education Courses, and Provider Trainings. Visit the Maine Families tab for home visiting or the Prevention Council tab for education and training.

Contact Us

Email us at or visit the contact us tab to find the phone number to your local office

Our Organization 

The Aroostook Council for Healthy Families is a community organization committed to strengthening families in Aroostook County by providing and advocating for education and support. Our prevention and early intervention services include, home visiting, parent programs, provider and community education, parent/child playgroups, and various community events. 

Our Programs

The Aroostook Council for Healthy Families is the parent organization of Maine Families Home Visiting Program and Aroostook's Prevention Council.