
April 27 - May 1

Leçon 1

Stratégies pour additionner des dizaines et des unités

Video with teacher speaking

Stratégies pour additionner des Dizaines et des Unités

Stratégies pour additionner des dizaines et des unités

Student reading


Envision Text : page 545

Leçon 2


Video with teacher speaking


Envision Text : page 551

Leçon 3

Utiliser le tableau pour additionner

Video with teacher speaking


Envision Text : page 557

Note to parents: Exercice 18. Sylvie has stickers in her book. She buys 30 more stickers. She now has 36 stickers in her book. How many stickers did she have in the beginning?

Leçon 4

Utiliser la droite numérique

Video with teacher speaking


Envision Text : page 563

Note to parents: Exercice 7. Write an addition using a two-digit number and a one-digit number. Then calculate and show your work on a number line.

Leçon 5

Savoir représenter les dizaines et les unités

Video with teacher speaking


Envision Text : page 569