Social Studies

April 13 - April 17

2.TS.7.B.a Give examples of being an active and informed citizen in your classroom or community.

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Order of Activities:

  1. Pop a Joke

  2. Word Play

  3. Watch Video

  4. Games

Watch and Talk About:

  1. How is each job in the video an example of being a responsible citizen in the community?

  2. What are some other jobs that are responsible for the good of our community (common good)?

  3. How is a person (a citizen) you know working for the common good?

  4. How do your parents learn (stay informed) about our community?


How do you want to work for the common good now or when you are older? Draw a picture of a job you would like to do and show your parents and send a photo of it to your teacher.

Or, create a costume using things from around the house (like paper and tape) and dress up to show a job you can do to be an active citizen.