
March 30 - April 3

Leçon 1

Dear Parents,

Science Mysteries can be downloaded and played offline at a convenient time.

1.PS4.C.1 Use tools and materials to design and build a device that uses light or sound to solve the problem of communicating over a distance.

Secret Message

Click the image to GO to Mystery Science to complete the lesson.


  1. a partner

  2. white paper

  3. a glass - trace around the glass and color it in instead of printing a worksheet

  4. red, blue and green markers

  5. 1 (to share) or 2 flashlights or phone lights

Go further (in French)


2 pots de yaourt propres (2 clean yogurt cups)

1 ficelle longue ( a long string, yarn doesn't work as well)

PARENTS - 1 stylo ou autre outil pour percer un trou (a pen or other tool to poke a hole in the cups)

Yaourtophone 1

Fabriquer un yaourtophone. Build a yogurtphone. Precise instructions. Parents must supervise attempts at home.

Yaourtophone 2

Exemple 2, vidéo par des enfants. Example 2, kid video.