Social Studies

June 1, 2020 - June 5, 2020

Career Education

Day 1 - Career Education

All of your work is going to be completed using the Google Form below to explore the different careers people have.

  1. Watch one or more of the videos.

  2. Reflect and respond to a video that you selected.

  3. Then, you’ll watch a video on entrepreneurs and consider the skills that it takes to run a business.

Day 2 - Chapter 10 Review

Play Quizizz to review what you learned about the Industrial Revolution in Chapter 10.

Click on the image below to access the game. Good luck!

When you create Your Quizizz name, enter your first name and the first letter of your last name only.

For example: Kevin M.

Enrichment Activities

This presentation will provide information on Memorial Day, Flag Day, and Labor Day. Check it out to see why these days are recognized.

Federal and state holidays