Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The World According to Humphrey Day 1


Today, we will be completing some activities from our Student anthology. Before we start any activities, turn to page 620 in your Student Book (Remember, you can access the Student Book from ThinkCentral).

  1. Think about media: How much TV have you been watching during your time home? What have you been watching?

  2. Essential Question, "How can media be a distraction?” Talk to a parent, sibling, pet, or stuffed animal about how media sources like TV, video games, or other types of media can be a distraction at home.

  3. Watch this video to preview this week's vocabulary. (see below in the gray box)

4. Read The World According to Humphrey p.624-637. Try reading along to the audio book in Student Resources.

That's all for today!

This week's Spelling and Vocabulary

Spelling words: event, humor, rapid, music, relief, planet, detail, unite, frozen, figure, siren, polite, hotel, protest, punish, defend, relay, habit, student, moment

Vocabulary words: appreciate, blaring, combination, promptly, introduce, nocturnal, feats, effort, suggest, racket

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss