Universal Support Strategies

There are many ways in which teachers can help in their mainstream classroom. Even minor adaptations to day-to-day practice can make a huge difference.

Strategies and resources to support learners

Building your own learning toolkit

This toolkit has a host of tools for learners to try out to see what helps them with their learning.

Build your own learning toolkit_1.pdf

Creating Dyslexia Friendly Content

This handy document helps with top tips on things such as fonts, layout, colour and headings.

Learning Toolkit Resources, assessments, OUP contacts

Resource links

Learning toolkit resources, assessments, OUP contacts for Aberdeen/Scotland

Inclusive Practise Box inventory

Inclusive Practice Box Inventory

This gives you an idea of the types of things that could be included in the box/ drawers

Inclusive Practice Drawers

Inclusive Practice Boxes/ Drawers

These are boxes or sets of drawers that have a variety of tools that learners can access independently when required.

Visual and Auditory Processing

Phonological Awareness

Oral Language

Reading Fluency

Short-term and Working Memory

Sequencing and Directionality

Number Skills

Organisational Ability

Motor Skills and Coordination



Self Esteem