Morelia Rosas-Martinez

Morelia Rosas-Martinez - Curatorial Rationale

Growing up in America, but having Mexican parents meant I got to be a part of two cultures. I got to experience two cultures and experiencing them has taught me a lot about the world and the varying cultures. I have taken pride in being a part of two cultures and have learned to embrace the duality. I might have felt like a part of one culture more than the other at times, but I have come to love that I am a part of both. I find it fascinating to explore people’s backgrounds and upbringings as it teaches me more about the world and how we unite. The pieces chosen for my exhibition were chosen to make an impact on the viewer and open their eyes to multiple perspectives and cultures. My intention is to express not only the beauty and joy that being a part of two cultures brings but what brings them together as one.

The pieces in my exhibition explore the idea of duality and unity. The American culture and the Mexican culture are expressed separately in my pieces while forming them into one piece. While all of my pieces explore culture, they each do it in a different way. This was done either through the use of varying symbols, expressing different emotions in each piece, or through the use of different media. I used acrylic paint, digital photography, and cardboard to name a few in order to create a more diverse exhibition. Within each piece, however, I used either the same media throughout, the same colors, or unifying symbolism. I wanted to express this diversity while also unifying it all with the recurring themes. In my piece “Connected in Our Layers”, the two cultures are each explored individually, however they are still one piece, unified by the use of the same media, cardboard, and unified by the repetition of elements such as the horizontal and vertical lines.

These were all inspired by the emotions I feel being a part of two cultures and the experiences I have had throughout my life that make up who I am. My memories of certain events growing up also inspired these pieces. The pieces explore the traditions of each culture and my feelings as a Mexican-American. Many of us often share these feelings and I wanted people to connect to them, too.

My artwork is exhibited in a way that starts with the cultures more separated and then more connected as the viewer moves to the next piece. The viewer first sees the piece “Cazuelitas” as this is a representation of my Mexican culture. After that piece, right below it is “Carry On” which shows a little more connection between the two cultures in the use of symbols in the second shoe. As the viewer moves from piece to piece, the cultures become more unified in the piece. This is meant to express how I have embraced my cultures throughout my life and how they intertwine in my life. It is meant to display how as I grow, my cultures become more blended. The last piece the viewer sees is “Mixed Experiences” as it better expresses my life as a whole and blends the two cultures together clearly. The idea of unity becomes a clearer idea by the time the viewer reaches the end of my exhibition. As the viewer moves ahead, I intend for the viewer to recognize that despite the differences in culture, they can be brought together and there are things that bring them together.

My vision for this exhibition is for the viewers to celebrate and understand duality in cultures. I want the differences between cultures to be celebrated while recognizing that they often unite. It is my hope that through the visual imagery the viewer is able to better understand the idea of duality and unity.

Morelia Rosas-Martinez

Cazuelitas (December 2019)

Acrylic paint

28” x 10”

Although I have never been to Mexico, I have always loved expressing my culture and its traditions. Almost every year my grandparents are able to come visit and ever since I was little, they have always brought my siblings and I gifts from Mexico. These are cookware handmade out of clay. I have always seen these as a small way to get to know and take in more of my culture even when I am not fully emerged in it.

Morelia Rosas-Martinez

Carry On (March 2020)

Mixed Media- found objects (shoes, flowers), acrylic paint, tissue paper, markers, pen, colored pencils, clay, toothpicks

9” x 8” x 5

These shoes represent my Mexican heritage and future of my life. One shoe expresses all of the wonderful things about my Mexican heritage while the other shoe represents my future and how while I am uncertain of my future, which is why it is empty inside, I know that I will continue to carry my Mexican culture on in the future.

Morelia Rosas-Martinez

Double Sided (January 2021)

Digital Photography

10” x 12”

These photos are meant to express two sides to one person. Many often feel they are either one or the other and struggle with their identity because of it.

Morelia Rosas-Martinez

Connected in our Layers (December 2020)


11” x 9” each

In this piece, I display a bit of what makes up each country, but also brings them together. Despite the differences they have, they can be connected and come together. On the American side, I display the diversity. On the Mexican side, I display the musical traditions. I am celebrating some of the beautiful parts that make up each country, while displaying their connection through the same material.

Morelia Rosas-Martinez

Incomplete Stripes (February 2021)

Digital Photography

8” x 10”

This photo displays the fact that while I was born in America, I am not just American. Many born in America hold something else behind them. America does not complete who I am because there is more to who I am including my Mexican heritage.

Morelia Rosas-Martinez

Happiness in our History (February 2021)

Wood, wood burning tool, watercolor

7” diameter

In this piece, I wanted to display the pride I hold in my Mexican heritage. I wanted to express how my parents, like many, moved from a small town in Mexico to a city in the US, much different than their hometown, in hope for a better future. Despite leaving their home country, they brought their culture with them and continued expressing it while sharing it with my siblings and I.

Morelia Rosas-Martinez

Smile (February 2021)

Digital Photography

8” x 10”

This photo is meant to show the pride I hold in being a part of two cultures. I wanted to express the joy of being able to form a part of multiple cultures and have double the traditions and cultural experiences. You get to experience much more of the world and get to understand and enjoy it better because of it.

Morelia Rosas-Martinez

Mixed Experiences (October 2020)

Mixed Media- photos, acrylic paint, tissue paper, string

14.75” x 20”

I wanted to express two sides to my culture using photos of my life. I expressed my Mexican culture through pictures my grandparents and other family members in Mexico have sent us and also pictures of Mexican traditions we celebrate here in America. I expressed my American culture through pictures of my life in America. From pictures to me in parks and buildings to pictures displaying American traditions like Halloween.