Ashley Figueroa

Ashley Figueroa - Curatorial Rationale

Throughout my life, I’ve felt a sort of uncertainty towards myself. I am the daughter of two Hispanics but born in the United States. So consequently my home life and social life differed greatly. I was raised with very traditional values in comparison to those I went to school with who were raised more informally. Being exposed to such differing perspectives lead to internal confusion, to the point I would act one way at home and another at school to fit in. I would constantly adapt to the environment I’ve been put in.

Through my art I hoped to convey the message of these conflicting feelings of mine. I also aimed to shed light on my unique perspective in order to give people a glimpse of what I feel on a day-to-day basis. By incorporating Hispanic and American cultures into my pieces to demonstrate my two backgrounds I am able to give some semblance of an idea of how it feels to be born Hispanic but in America.

In order to display this message, I incorporated the use of color, symbolism, and real-world Hispanic issues in my art. I believe this is a topic not touched on nearly enough and I strived to make it known visually through my pieces. To show the conflicting, confusing, and often lonesome feeling that comes with being a part of two contrasting cultures. But while it can be negative at times I also wished to say that it isn’t all bad. There is beauty in learning and being a part of two different cultures. And once you find your balance, you are granted a unique and gratifying experience.

Ashley Figueroa

What Lies Within (October 2019)

Oil Pastel

10x15 - inches

The piece displays a stonefaced me to represent my mostly calm exterior but upon closer inspection within you can see the use of warm colors overwhelming the cool tones. This is meant to depict my kind heart that is stronger than any cold or negative emotions within. It also serves to show my conflicting nature within, my lack of belonging.

Ashley Figueroa

Plant Your Feet (February 2020)


8x8x12 - inches

The dirty and busted brown shoe is meant to be an immigrant's boot to show the work that must be done in order for them to survive in America. In contrast, the American shoe is pristine and contains a full-grown succulent in comparison to the immigrant’s shoe. Thereby showing just how different life is for each person in America.

Ashley Figueroa

A World Not My Own (November 2020)

Watercolor, collage

12 x 9 - inches

The piece captures a look into space to suggest that my Hispanic side is a bit out of touch and a completely different reality that I am used to. My own glitched hand is shown trying to enter a foreign world, obviously not entirely welcome.

Ashley Figueroa

El Arbol de Vida (January 2021


5 x 5 x 10 - inches

The tree is meant to show my growth as a person and how I stem from two different backgrounds. While I was born American, I have only ever been taught Spanish traditions. The tree holds aspects of both american and Hispanic images.