Isaac Bolanos-Urena

Isaac Bolanos-Urena

Self Portrait (October 2019

Oil Pastel

10 in x 15 in

I wanted to represent myself as a warrior of the Aztecs but also show the many things I find personal in my life. I added leaves to show that I like nature and the outdoors and I like to go out and explore. I gave myself a purple shirt because at the time it was to show how I was feeling. I had also added a blend between night and dawn because I have trouble sticking to things and usually end up in the middle of an option.

Isaac Bolanos-Urena

A Dragon’s Transformation (December 2019)

Acrylic Paint

28 in x 10 in

On this piece I wanted to try my best a making a realist dragon and make it more simplified/abstract as it goes on. I did this by making the first dragon semi-realistic and trying to add in as many details I could see (off the toy dragon I was using for reference), and then adding slightly less on the next one by kind of chopping it up and finally using basic shapes on the last one to try and still make the dragon.

Isaac Bolanos-Urena

Personal Fantasies (March 2020)

Acrylic Paint on Shoes (Found Object

4 in x 3 in x 11 in

I tried showing my personal fantasies for this piece by showing the places I've been and lived. I think they really affected me and I still think about them to this day and share my stories with others. I called it “Personal Fantasies,” because I still have fantasies about going back, what would've happened if i've stayed there, or what if I return, and I ponder on may hypothetical situations.

Isaac Bolanos-Urena

Fairy Lights (October 2020)

Digital Photography

25 in x 9 in

I called this piece “ Fairy lights,” because the idea was to show a mini story of me using the fairies in the jar to light up the darkness and letting the fairies free and them floating around my hands and then moving away to show an even brighter atmosphere since the light is being spread instead of being trapped. I think this piece worked nice with the theme i was going for before it almost look other worldly, as if the fairies were actually there in the final picture.