Abby Jelic

Abby Jelic - Curatorial Rationale

Throughout my life I have tried to focus on the good in the world. Most specifically in difficult times like this past year. I like to focus on things that make me happy, and make me smile when I am feeling down. This exhibition is a build up of all of those bright things in my life. The world has been a crazy and messy place lately and so I wanted my presentation to focus on the many different things in my life that make bring me joy. My vision for this exhibition was to portray the different chapters and elements of my life and how each of those affects me and brings me happiness. These different pieces are personal as they include important people, and things in my life that have shaped me into who I am. I want this presentation to radiate happiness and joy to you, as these are the things that bring them to me. Take a glimpse into my world and my enjoyment for just a few moments, and try to find what brings you that same kind of feeling.

My exhibition follows a steady theme that includes a lot of images. I felt that there was no better way to express my pleasure, than actually showing the things and experiences that created it. The different pictures included in this exhibition all are of my favorite and most happiest moments. They show the things in my life that are important and special to me. I wanted all of the pictures to be bright, and optimistic, as that is what this entire exhibition is about. Some of the images are similar as they focus on sunsets, friends, summer, and colorfulness- but those are all of the things that create my love and joy. My goal within this theme was to include different pictures that cover the different pieces of my life. I wanted each piece to follow a different path, as there are so many different things in my life that I wanted to express. Each piece talks about something different in my life, and shows a different piece of me.

My exhibition is meant to show you the things in my life that are special to me, and have the audience think of the special things in their life as well. The world has been difficult lately and it is important to focus on the good things for once. Life is too short to be unhappy, and to think about negative things. I want my exhibition to inspire you to try and be positive and think about the important and happy things in your own life. We spend too much time being hard on ourselves, and complaining about what is going on. Take this time throughout my exhibition to be in a happy place, and find what brings you joy.

Abby Jelic


(March 2021)

Photo collage

12x8 inches

My childhood was amazing. It brought me the best memories that one could ever have. When I was younger, life was carefree and always filled with laughter and love. This collage is a combination of pictures throughout my childhood. These different pictures include the most important people in my life. They are the people that shaped me into who I am today. My new memories could not have been created without my old ones.

Abby Jelic

The UP (February 2020)

Acrylic paint on shoes (Filled with rocks from the upper peninsula)

4x8x10 inches

My entire life I have gone up north, and it has always been my happy place. My mom bought my grandparents house after they passed away so that we could still have that sense of home up there. Houghton, Michigan is my second home and a big part of my life and who I am.

Abby Jelic

A Day in My Life (May 2020)

Photo collage

12x8 inches

This collage was created right after we were taken out of school due to Covid. At this point in time I was starting to get very bored and frustrated with what was happening so I would go on daily walks everyday as a way to get out of the house and get fresh air. These daily walks brought me happiness as I was able to appreciate the little things around me and see how beautiful the world is.

Abby Jelic

Friendship (October 2020)

Multimedia (Watercolor, acrylic, pencil and photos)

16x22 inches

I used this piece to include miscellaneous pictures where I was carefree and happy. All of these pictures include different times of me and my friends together doing random activities. My friendships have always been super important to me and I wanted to show that through this piece and the amount of joy that they bring me.

Abby Jelic

Augie (February 2021)

Oil pastel on canvas with printed photo

10x8 inches

Augie is my almost two year old dog. My entire life I had begged my parents for a dog, and then one day Augie just showed up. Augie is one of a kind and fits perfectly into my family. Ever since we got him he has became my best friend and my little baby. He is a major part of my life and always cheers me up when I am feeling down and I am so happy to have him. I can't imagine life without Augie.

Abby Jelic

Summer on Film (December 2020)

Tissue paper mache cardboard box with printed photos on top

12x16x5 inches

This summer I bought a film camera and took pictures periodically throughout my many different adventures. These different pictures captured moments where I was very happy, and doing things that I enjoyed. I wanted to somehow show all of these pictures together to show some of my favorite times this summer. Photographs have always been something I enjoyed as they capture the moment and are something to look back on, and I am so glad to have captured those memories.

Abby Jelic

Happy (February 2021)

Acrylic paint on canvas

8x12 inches

This exhibition is based off of things that bring me joy and fill me with happiness. This is a painting of a place up north that my family goes. This painting does not only represent this area, but also represents my image of what I find to be happiness. The beautiful colors, the sunset, the lake, this is what makes me happy.