Bullying Resources

What is Bullying?

Bullying and cyberbullying, harassment and intimidation, hazing, and/or bias behaviors are unsafe behaviors that do not reflect respect for others as defined by the Code of Student Conduct. If a student is a target of one of these behaviors, you can report it using the Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form. The school will address the issue and provide support to you and your child to ensure that they feel safe at school.

There's a difference between bullying behavior and normal peer conflict



Bullying is behavior that:

  • Is intentional.

  • Is repeated over time: Chronic bullying is considered more than 2 acts per month.

  • Is intended to harm: There is an intent to cause physical or emotional hurt.

  • Involves a power differential: One person is more popular, bigger, older than another.

  • Creates a hostile educational environment: a student doesn't feel safe.

  • Is done through the use of social media, otherwise known as Cyberbullying.

Just as important is understanding what bullying isn’t:

  • Unkind words that occur once;

  • Rough-housing or rough play that is not in-tended to hurt; A physical attack that is not part of a pattern of behavior; or

  • Behavior that may be inappropriate to the adult, but that the other does not perceive as hurtful, for example name-calling that all are participating in on an equal basis.

Bullying Reporting Form

Students, parents/guardians of students, or close relatives of students may use this form to report incidents of harassment or intimidation (bullying) to schools, outside of the discipline process. When completed, the form is returned to the administrator of the student’s school, who will conduct an investigation.

Read more about this form and what happens when it is submitted


Links to comprehensive websites for parents and young people about bullying and how to handle bullying situations.