
Aerial Image For The Brand New Playground at Yanshuei Elementary School

The successful implementation of the new open playground would not have been possible without the unwavering support and collaboration of the school administration, dedicated teachers, supportive parents, and the generous contributions of the local community. Their collective efforts have created a space that promotes both the physical and mental well-being of the students, enriching their educational journey in countless ways.

As Yanshuei Elementary School embraces this exciting new chapter, it remains committed to providing a holistic education that nurtures the minds, bodies, and spirits of its students. The open playground stands as a testament to the school's dedication to creating an engaging and empowering learning environment.

Yanshuei Elementary School invites students, parents, and the wider community to celebrate this remarkable addition to their campus. The open playground will undoubtedly be a source of joy, inspiration, and valuable learning experiences for generations of students to come.

The grand award ceremony of the "2022 Primary and Secondary School SCRATCH and Machine Learning AI Programming Competition"

The grand award ceremony of the "2022 Primary and Secondary School SCRATCH and Machine Learning AI Programming Competition" was held today at Xinnan Elementary School in Tainan City. The event was filled with excitement and anticipation as students from various schools gathered to celebrate their achievements in the field of programming and AI.

Among the participants, the students from our school, Yuju Qiu, Yixun Chen, and Yuchen Shen, made us extremely proud by securing remarkable positions in the AI Ping Pong category. Their dedication, creativity, and hard work paid off as they clinched the first and second places in the competition. The Education Bureau recognized their outstanding performance, and it was a great honor for them to receive the awards personally from Director Xin-Hui Cheng.

The atmosphere was electrifying as the crowd erupted in applause and cheers when our talented students took the stage to receive their well-deserved accolades. The beaming smiles on their faces were a testament to their accomplishments and the recognition they received for their skills and efforts.

The event not only showcased the students' programming abilities but also highlighted the significance of SCRATCH and machine learning AI in today's educational landscape. It emphasized the importance of fostering computational thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity among students to prepare them for the rapidly evolving digital world.

As we reflect on this momentous occasion, we express our heartfelt gratitude to the organizers, judges, teachers, and parents who have supported and guided our students throughout their journey. Their unwavering dedication and encouragement have played a pivotal role in nurturing our students' talents and helping them reach their full potential.

We extend our warmest congratulations to Yuju Qiu, Yixun Chen, Yuchen Shen, and all the participants who demonstrated their passion for programming and AI. Your achievements serve as an inspiration to future generations, encouraging them to explore the endless possibilities of technology and strive for excellence in their pursuits.

Let us celebrate this proud moment together and look forward to witnessing the continued growth and success of our talented students in the field of programming and AI.

Let's Have Fun for Happy Kids' Day

Today, Yanshui Elementary School held its annual Children's Day celebration. In the morning, we had an exciting "Flipped Classroom Challenge" activity, which included various checkpoints to learn about Tainan's local cuisine, transportation, and tourist attractions. In the afternoon, we organized a charity flea market to spread love and kindness. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Home Support Foundation. To achieve this goal, everyone put their full effort into selling and participating in the event. 

Show Your Energy for Better Health 

Exercise for kids offers numerous benefits, including improved physical fitness, motor skills development, mental well-being, cognitive growth, social skills enhancement, and the formation of healthy habits. 

Hightlight of The 125th Anniversary Celebration

On the momentous occasion of the 125th anniversary celebration, Yanshui Elementary School was honored to host a distinguished gathering of guests. Among them were esteemed individuals such as Deputy Mayor Dai Qian and Deputy Director Wang Kunyuan from the Tainan City Government's Education Bureau, whose presence added immense significance to the event. Additionally, the Taiwan Reading Culture Foundation was represented by President Huang Rongcun and Executive Director Chen Yicheng, whose dedication to promoting literacy and education is widely acknowledged.

The esteemed Yu-Shan Cultural and Educational Foundation, known for its commitment to fostering cultural and intellectual growth, was represented by Executive Director Wang Zhicheng and Manager Cai Qingnan. Their presence underscored the shared values of educational excellence and holistic development that Yanshui Elementary School upholds.

The event also had the honor of welcoming Councilors Cai Yuhui and Shen Jiafeng, whose commitment to public service and community welfare is commendable. Their presence served as a testament to the importance of education and the collective effort to nurture young minds.

Furthermore, the celebration saw the participation of esteemed principals from neighboring schools, including Yanshui Junior High School, Mingda High School, Taizi Junior High School, Annan Elementary School, Yuejin Elementary School, Zhupu Elementary School, Huanya Elementary School, Bentougang Elementary School, Renguang Elementary School, Wenchang Elementary School, Ouwang Elementary School, Dingzhou Elementary School, Dongyuan Elementary School, Xinsheng Elementary School, Xinjin Elementary School, and many others. Their presence symbolized the spirit of collaboration and the shared vision of providing quality education to the community.

Lastly, the event was graced by the esteemed presence of Director Gao from Guanmiao Kindergarten and Director Xu from Xinshi Kindergarten, both of whom are renowned for their commitment to early childhood education and holistic development.

Together, in the spirit of unity and celebration, we commemorated the 125th anniversary of Yanshui Elementary School. The unveiling of the "Digital Library of Love" served as a testament to our collective commitment to educational excellence, community engagement, and the nurturing of young minds with a love for learning.

Be Little Farmers for Organic Foods

Food and agricultural education is an educational philosophy and practice aimed at enhancing students' awareness, understanding, and appreciation of food and agriculture. It emphasizes hands-on experiences and learning to cultivate students' awareness of healthy eating, nutritional knowledge, food culture, and environmental consciousness. The goal of food and agricultural education is to help students develop sustainable eating and agricultural values and become citizens who care about food sources, environmental protection, and sustainable agricultural development. 

Puppets Show For Evironmental Education 

The Qiaonan community uses puppets to teach children about plastic reduction and environmental conservation, encouraging them to use fewer disposable items in their daily lives. The adorable community elders entertain the children with their friendly local dialect, making them laugh and learn at the same time! It's a fun and educational experience! 

Torch Relay Around Yanshuei For 120th School Anniversary 

Yanshuei, Tainan City - Yanshuei Elementary School, a beacon of educational excellence in the heart of the community, celebrated its remarkable 120th anniversary with a grand event filled with pride, nostalgia, and a vision for the future. The school, founded in [insert founding year], has played an instrumental role in shaping generations of young minds, fostering growth, and leaving an indelible mark on the community.

The anniversary celebration brought together a vibrant tapestry of current and former students, dedicated educators, esteemed guests, and community members who have been part of the school's rich history. The event showcased the remarkable journey of Yanshuei Elementary School and paid homage to its pivotal role in shaping the lives of countless individuals.

The festivities commenced with a heartfelt opening ceremony, graced by the presence of distinguished guests including local government officials, education leaders, and esteemed alumni. The event was marked by speeches that reflected on the school's journey, highlighting its achievements, challenges overcome, and the unwavering commitment to excellence that has become synonymous with Yanshuei Elementary School.

Throughout the day, a series of engaging activities and exhibitions were organized to honor the school's legacy and provide a platform for students, alumni, and the community to come together. These activities included special showcases of student artwork, musical performances, interactive exhibits featuring the school's history, and engaging workshops led by teachers and alumni. The event provided an opportunity for attendees to reminisce, forge new connections, and create lasting memories.

Principal Lu Yen Bin expressed gratitude and pride in the achievements of Yanshuei Elementary School, stating, "Over the past 120 years, our school has nurtured countless young minds, instilling in them the values of knowledge, character, and community. We are immensely proud of our students, teachers, and alumni who have made a positive impact on society. We look forward to continuing this legacy of excellence and shaping the future generations."

The 120th anniversary celebration concluded with a heartfelt closing ceremony, emphasizing the school's commitment to continuous growth, innovation, and fostering a nurturing environment for students to thrive. The event served as a reminder of the school's unwavering dedication to providing quality education, fostering holistic development, and making a positive difference in the lives of students and the community.

Congratulations to Yanshuei Elementary School on its 120th anniversary, and may it continue to inspire, educate, and empower young minds for many more years to come.

Micro Film Wins the Excellent Prize For Oral  Hygiene Education 

The dental hygiene microfilm "Robert the Toothbrush" produced by Yanshuei Elementary School in Tainan City in 2022 has been awarded first place in the city and recognized as an outstanding work nationwide. We would like to express our gratitude to the following individuals:

Cast: Xiantai Zeng Script, 

cinematography, editing:  Yongqi Lin 

Narrator: Yanlong Shen 

Props: Xuanrong Xu 

Animation, sound effects, music: Officially licensed materials

The importance of oral hygiene education lies in cultivating good oral health habits and providing children with knowledge and skills to protect their teeth. Through oral hygiene education, students can understand the structure and function of teeth, learn the correct brushing methods and frequency, and understand the impact of dietary habits on dental health. This helps prevent dental problems such as tooth decay and periodontal disease, and maintains oral cleanliness and health. Additionally, oral hygiene education helps enhance students' awareness of oral health, encouraging them to establish good oral care habits and maintain oral hygiene in their daily lives. Through oral hygiene education, students can have healthy teeth and enjoy the benefits and confidence that come with good oral health.