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Always broadcast our school newsย 

ย Presidential Education Awardย 

President Tsai Ing-wen personally presented awards to 56 students who received the 2023 Presidential Education Award today (7th). The President commended each awardee for their perseverance and unwavering efforts in the face of various challenges. The resilience and determination they displayed in overcoming obstacles serve as an inspiration and direction for the entire Taiwanese society to learn from.

The award ceremony for the 2023 Presidential Education Award took place at the Presidential Office. Celebrating its 23rd year, this year's awards were given to a total of 56 students, including 8 from universities, 12 from high schools, 18 from junior high schools, and 18 from elementary schools. President Tsai Ing-wen personally presented the awards to the winning students.

In her speech at the award ceremony, President Tsai Ing-wen praised the awardees for their perseverance in the face of various challenges, such as illness or physical limitations, as well as changing family environments. She acknowledged their diligent learning journeys and the remarkable achievements they have made. She expressed her hope that the spirit of the awardees can inspire others to overcome life's challenges and continue striving for success. President Tsai Ing-wen stated, "Each and every awardee here today has an admirable life story. I want to tell you all that your perseverance and efforts have created a powerful force in overcoming adversity. This is also a spirit and direction that the entire Taiwanese society must learn from together."

Yanshuei Elementary School student Cai Jiaxing is the child of a new immigrant. His mother is from Vietnam. As a young child, he witnessed domestic violence. After his parents' divorce, he relied solely on his mother. His mother worried about his status as a new immigrant and the shadow of domestic violence affecting his development. She also feared that he might face exclusion. However, Jiaxing, understanding and considerate, comforted his mother and promised to prove himself with his abilities. He assured her that she could rest assured. His mother runs a small snack shop, and Jiaxing helps her, showing great maturity and thoughtfulness.

In the second grade of elementary school, Jiaxing became involved in tennis. With the guidance of his coach and his own relentless efforts, he won numerous awards in tennis competitions, showcasing outstanding performance. In the eyes of his classmates, Jiaxing is diligent and responsible, always taking the initiative to guide younger students. In the eyes of his coach, Jiaxing is mature and sensible. When facing challenges, he always works hard to identify the issues and overcome them, never backing down. Jiaxing is an example within the team. His serious attitude towards life inspires others to improve alongside him. Despite his young age, he already has a significant influence, bringing positive energy and fostering a cycle of goodness to those around him.

ย Nutrition Education By playing

9th, June, 2023

Here are some key points for introducing nutrition education to kids:

By teaching kids about nutrition, you empower them to make healthier choices and develop lifelong habits.

Congratulations to the children of the 78th graduating class. Wishing you a happy graduation. May you carry the blessings of your teachers and become the brightest shining star.ย 

Vocational Exploration Experience

19th, May, 2023

Thank you to Liujia Junior High School Vocational Exploration Center for providing such a great program for students to experience. Also, thank you to Teacher Wenxin for leading the students in participating. It allows students to learn about the food industry and design professions in the business field, expanding their skills through hands-on learning and providing them with diverse exploratory opportunities.ย 

Swimming Basic Learning For Kids

18th, May, 2023

Basic swimming skills are crucial for water safety, confidence, fitness, recreation, and emergency preparedness. They reduce the risk of drowning, promote independence, provide a full-body workout, offer social opportunities, and enable individuals to handle water-related emergencies. Learning to swim is a valuable lifelong skill with numerous physical, mental, and social benefits.ย 

Weekly English learning sessions

where two volunteer students take on the role of "little teachers," demonstrating how to express love for their mothers.ย 

Show Your Love For Mommy!

9th, May, 2023

How long has it been since I last said to you: "You've worked hard, I love you"? For the first time, I feel the tension and anticipation as I wait for the phone to ring! Using technology to convey our boundless love, no matter where you are, love follows you like a shadow, and our hearts are closely connected. Wishing you a happy Mother's Day.ย 

Show Your Love For Mommy! from Preschool Kids

9th, May, 2023

The most beautiful scenery in the world is the radiant smile on your face, illuminating my life with boundless joy. The happiest moments are the ones spent by your side, sharing laughter, love, and countless memories. In this month of May, the sky seems to mirror the warmth in your heart, with its clear and serene beauty. The flowers of May bloom in exquisite elegance, just like you, a beacon of grace and strength. I am forever grateful for your unwavering care and support throughout the years. On this special occasion of Mother's Day, I extend my heartfelt wishes to you, dear mother, for a truly joyful and blissful celebration.ย 

Diverse Student Clubs at Yanshuei Elementary School

31th, May, 2023

Diverse Student Clubs at our school offer a wide range of opportunities for students to explore their interests, develop new skills, and engage in meaningful extracurricular activities. These clubs are created and run by students, with guidance and support from teachers and staff.

Here are some examples of the diverse student clubs available at our school:

These are just a few examples of the diverse student clubs available at our school. Students are encouraged to explore their interests, join multiple clubs, and actively participate in the vibrant extracurricular life of our school.

The newly completed playground Open!ย 

28th, Apr, 2023
The newly completed playground welcomes community members to come here and engage in sports activities together.ย 

"Digital Learning Deep Cultivation Project Results Presentation"

12th, Nov, 2022

November 12, 111 - "Digital Learning Deep Cultivation Project Results Presentation"

#Idea Children designed and illustrated a technology cannon city. They imagined bamboo spears shooting rubber bands, creating a sensation similar to being hit by a firecracker, and simulated the dazzling light effects of fireworks using digital technology.

#Utilizing Digital Technology Utilizing IoT devices to observe the distance and impact of firecracker launches on air pollution. Simulating the firecracker's light effects using Micro:bit and Advantech Arduino. Creating electronic music with the elements of parade using the built-in GarageBand on iPad. Utilizing Google Classroom's Jamboard to record and discuss the children's learning process, allowing them to see other groups' ideas and provide feedback in real-time.

#Interview and Explanation of Results The team of teachers and children shared their year-long journey, and four children - Tsai Zicheng, Zhang Xinchen, Hong Weijin, and Guo Zirui - confidently explained and demonstrated their project to the guests.

#Teachers actively creating a platform for children to showcase their abilities Digital exploration for a better future.

#Our Yanshuei kids are truly fortunate.

Congratulationsย  to our school's dance team

11th, Nov, 2022

Congratulationsย  to our school's dance team for participating in the Tainan City Dance Competition and achieving an "Excellent" rating in the Folk Dance Group B category. Inspired by ย Yanshui Yimin, or Yanshui Saltwater Noodles, is a famous traditional Taiwanese dish originating from Yanshui District in Tainan City. It is known for its unique preparation method and distinctive flavor.

Yanshui Yimin features flat noodles as its main ingredient, typically made from high-gluten flour and saltwater. The dough is repeatedly pounded and kneaded to create noodles with a chewy texture.

When cooking Yanshui Yimin, the noodles are boiled until tender and then topped with a special seasoning mixture. This seasoning includes salt, pepper, minced garlic, and toasted sesame oil, enhancing the flavor. Some vendors also add special toppings like lard or scallion oil to enrich the overall taste.

The distinguishing characteristics of Yanshui Yimin are its chewy noodles and the savory and slightly spicy flavor of the seasoning. Many people enjoy pairing Yanshui Yimin with additional ingredients such as pork blood cake, tofu, and blanched vegetables to create a more diverse and flavorful dish.

As one of Taiwan's representative dishes, Yanshui Yimin is beloved by locals and attracts visitors who seek to taste its unique flavors. Whether for residents or tourists, Yanshui Yimin is a must-try Taiwanese delicacy.

Congratulations! Our school's Recorder Ensemble participated in the Tainan City Recorder Ensemble Competition and achieved an "Excellent" result.

16th, Nov, 2022

Congratulations! Our school's Recorder Ensemble participated in the Tainan City Recorder Ensemble Competition and achieved an "Excellent" result.

#Grateful for the sponsorship of the competition attire by Chairman Wu Mingzhe, our alumni - it boosted the children's confidence on stage.

#Thankful for the dedicated guidance from Teacher Yu Qing and Teacher Yan Ru, who helped the children who had paused their practice for a year due to the pandemic to successfully perform.

#Also, heartfelt thanks to the supportive teachers behind the scenes.

Mobile English Learning Serviceย 

16th, Dec, 2022

English learning is an essential skill for students to develop in today's globalized world. At Yanshuei Elementary School, we strive to provide comprehensive English language education to our students. Our approach focuses on fostering a communicative and interactive learning environment that encourages students to actively participate in English language activities.

We offer a variety of English learning resources and programs to enhance students' language skills. This includes incorporating multimedia materials, such as videos and interactive online platforms, to make learning engaging and enjoyable. Our dedicated English teachers utilize various teaching methods and strategies to cater to the diverse learning needs of our students.

In addition to classroom instruction, we also encourage students to practice their English skills outside of the classroom. We organize language exchange programs, cultural exchange activities, and English-speaking contests to provide opportunities for students to interact with native English speakers and apply their language skills in real-life situations.

We believe that a strong foundation in English language proficiency will empower our students with better opportunities in their future academic and professional pursuits. Through our comprehensive English learning programs, we aim to equip our students with the necessary language skills, confidence, and cultural understanding to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

#EnglishLearning #LanguageProficiency #GlobalSkills

Grateful November, Happy X'mas at Kindergarten

20th, Dec, 2022

December 19, 2022 Yanshuei Elementary School Attached Kindergarten Christmas Event

This year, we decorated our own Christmas tree in the classroom, and all the ornaments were handmade! The children and teachers put great effort into decorating the Christmas tree. If you happen to pass by the kindergarten corridor, feel free to stop and admire it, but please observe with your eyes only and refrain from touching!

In addition to decorating the Christmas tree, we also played Color Bingo! In groups, the students discussed the colors to be filled in the large nine-square grid. Then, the teacher took turns drawing the winning colors, and if they formed a line, they could pick a prize!

The Bingo game was intense as everyone hoped their group would make a successful line. The prize draw was also thrilling, with hopes of getting the desired gift. The children needed to listen carefully and focus their eyes on the nine-square grid. Their serious expressions brought satisfaction to the children and provided healing for the teachers.

Grateful November, a campus filled with the aroma of sweetness

20th, Dec, 2022

Grateful November, a campus filled with the aroma of sweetness. Yanshuei has a history with sugar, and the local sugar factory was once an important producer of sugarcane. Today, the children can only look back on the past as they learn how to make the traditional Taiwanese dessert "sugar scallion" from "Sugar Uncle."

"Sugar Uncle," who comes from another place, promotes traditional desserts in the Qiaonan Old Street. The school incorporates language and natural science knowledge into the promotion, allowing students to not only learn efficiently but also enjoy their food.

#Walking through Yanshuei #Sugar scallion #Special thanks to He Xuan and He Lun's mom for sponsoring this experiential activity.

Grateful November, not only filled with sweetness but also the fragrance of books!

21th, Dec, 2022

Grateful November, not only filled with sweetness but also the fragrance of books! For our first-grade students at our school, during the Book Reading Week, we invited the Storytelling Association to bring reading mothers into our school to lead the students in reading interesting picture books.

Story One: "That's Mine" teaches children about unity, cooperation, problem-solving, and sharing. Story Two: "Mrs. Mole, I'm Home!" opens up children's perspectives and allows them to feel the warmth of family. Story Three: "Little Bear's Heroic Journey" teaches gratitude and self-affirmation.

We express our gratitude for the support and contribution of community resources. The children of Yanshuei are truly fortunate.

Lantern Painting Experience for the Lantern Festival

28th, Dec, 2022

Lantern Painting Experience for the Lantern Festival

Joyful golden lanterns, adorable white rabbits, All created by the children, starting from scratch. The process is divided into two stages: the first stage is to apply the base color, and the second stage is to paint the rabbits.

Today, we extend special thanks to Teacher Zhang from Riqing Family Art Studio for assisting and guiding the children during the second stage, helping with the composition and coloring of the rabbits. Together, we successfully completed this challenging task!

We appreciate the children's dedication and are grateful for the support of our teachers! We are now eagerly looking forward to hanging up the lanterns.

Yunshui Bookmobile: Spreading Love through the Love of Reading, Bringing Happiness to All.

4th, Jan, 2023

Yunshui Bookmobile: Spreading Love through the Love of Reading, Bringing Happiness to All.

The concept of the "Yunshui Bookmobile" was inspired by Venerable Master Hsing Yun of Fo Guang Shan. It aims to create a mobile bookstore that travels like flowing clouds and water, visiting schools and communities, providing convenient access to books for students and the public. The goal is to promote a culture of reading, enhancing the quality of life and transforming lives through the power of books.

Since the 104th academic year, Yanshuei Elementary School has welcomed the Yunshui Bookmobile every Wednesday of each semester. This mobile library is packed with engaging science books, captivating picture books, and other fascinating materials. It serves as a companion to the students, helping them develop good reading habits and allowing them to immerse themselves in the world of books.

As the semester comes to a close, Principal Wang Hui-Zu presents a certificate of appreciation on behalf of the entire school community, expressing gratitude for the invaluable service provided by the Yunshui Bookmobile.

Looking ahead to the new semester, we eagerly anticipate the continued service of the Yunshui Bookmobile, bringing joy and happiness to the students and teachers of Yanshuei Elementary School.

The joy of a bountiful harvestย 

5th, Jan, 2023
The joy of a bountiful harvest! We express our gratitude to the Parent-Teacher Association President and Vice President for their generous gift of McDonald's meals, encouraging the students participating in external competitions and the dedicated volunteer students who serve their fellow classmates. We also extend our thanks to the principal and the teachers who have wholeheartedly nurtured the children of Yanshuei Elementary School for their participation in the competition.ย 

Beehives Firecrackersย 

30th, Jan, 2023
The Yanshui Beehive Firecrackers, or "Yanshui Beehive Fireworks," is a unique folk tradition in Yanshui, Taiwan, and is one of the distinctive cultural features of the region. The beehive firecrackers are special fireworks devices made from bamboo tubes, approximately one meter in length, filled with hundreds or even thousands of firecrackers.

During the Lunar New Year period, the Yanshui Beehive Firecrackers event attracts a large number of visitors and locals who come to witness the spectacle. Multiple teams carrying the beehive firecrackers parade through the streets of Yanshui, lighting them simultaneously, creating a breathtaking cacophony of firecracker explosions.

The lighting and exploding of the firecrackers are believed to drive away evil spirits, diseases, and misfortune, while bringing good luck and auspiciousness for the new year. The Yanshui Beehive Firecrackers also symbolize the resilience and spirit of the people of Yanshui.

Yanshuei Wen Chang Festival

0222 Yanshuei Wen Chang Festival

The third day of the lunar month is the birthday of Wen Chang Emperor. We would like to express our gratitude to the district office for collaborating with the martial temple to hold the "Yuejin Wen Chang Festival." Professional Taoist priests held a brush dipped in vermilion ink and marked a red dot, representing a "beauty mark," on the foreheads of children and adults alike. The red dot symbolizes the opening of wisdom, allowing learning to become effortless. Participants are encouraged to think clearly, aiding in smooth academic performance, exams, and work.

Mayor Huang Wei-che served as the main officiant and emphasized that besides ensuring excellent academic results for students in both school and external examinations, the festival also brings opportunities for career advancement and success in job hunting for working adults.

#Special thanks to the Parent-Teacher Association and teachers for accompanying the children in this event.

ใŠ—๏ธ May the children be obedient, make progress in their studies, and behave well.ย 

ใŠ—๏ธ May adults enjoy smooth career advancement and success in their official positions.

ย ใŠ—๏ธ May everyone find peace of mind and increase their blessings and wisdom.

Reading Stars of Yanshuei Elementary School

Congratulations to the Reading Stars of Yanshuei Elementary School! Today, at the awards ceremony, we recognized the classes and individuals with the highest library borrowing rates for the months of January and February.

Firstly, let's acknowledge the top-performing classes: Class 3A, Class 5B, and Class 4C. Together, they borrowed over 360 books, which is truly remarkable!

Additionally, a special congratulations goes to Guo Lingzi, who emerged as the individual with the highest number of book borrowings in the Reading Stars program, borrowing a total of 83 books. You are truly a reading enthusiast, and your efforts deserve recognition!

We are incredibly proud of these achievements. Let's continue reading together and explore the limitless possibilities that lie ahead!

Creative Education Growth Camp

1120301 Creative Education Growth Camp

We would like to express our gratitude to Huaxin Lihua Enterprise for their sponsorship, which has made this event possible. We are delighted to have invited Professor Sha Yongjie, an esteemed retired professor from National Chiao Tung University, to be the keynote speaker for this event. We believe that nurturing creativity from a young age and implementing creative education in schools can contribute to the overall innovation capacity of our nation. We are committed to making a difference in this aspect and are grateful for the support we have received.

School-Parent-Teacher Meetings on February 23

School-Parent-Teacher Meetings on February 23, 1120223 & Gifted Education Class School-Parent-Teacher Meeting on February 21, 1120221

We recognize that the collaboration between parents and teachers plays a crucial role in fostering effective learning for our children. In order to strengthen the bond between the school and parents, and promote a better understanding of our school's operations, classroom dynamics, and the home environment, we are organizing school-parent-teacher meetings. These meetings provide a platform for open and constructive discussions, enabling us to work together towards the optimal growth and development of our children. Through this collaborative approach, we aim to facilitate significant progress in their educational journey. Your active participation and valuable insights are highly appreciated as we strive to create an enriching and supportive learning environment. We look forward to welcoming you to these important events, where we can join hands in shaping a brighter future for our students.

Welcome Our New Students

The second wave of the 112th academic year's new student experience activities! At Yanshuei Elementary School, I smell the fragrance of the bitter melon flower; At Yanshuei Elementary School, I traverse the world; At Yanshuei Elementary School, I immerse myself in the fragrance of books; At Yanshuei Elementary School, I create art with clay; At Yanshuei Elementary School, I launch scientific projectiles... In the future, there are still many exciting and fun things waiting for me at Yanshuei Elementary School! Let's go! Let's read together at Yanshuei Elementary School! Enrollment for the 112th academic year is now open. We welcome your child to join the Yanshuei family.ย 

"Island-wide Mantou (Steamed Bun)" trip at Yanshuei Elementary School

Happiness and fulfillment in life are truly simple! An unexpected event as they approached their 50s led Lin Bo and Jin Baoyi to embark on a journey known as the "Island-wide Mantou (Steamed Bun)" trip. The couple drives a small truck, making mantou during the day and sleeping in the vehicle at night. Their footsteps have traversed all of Taiwan, including outlying islands, over the past six years. While others may see it as a tough endeavor, the couple embraces it with joy.

Recently, the act of "Island-wide travel" has transformed from a simple journey into a dream for many. Some travel by bike, while others complete the trip on foot. For Lin Bo and Jin Baoyi, their annual island-wide journey is accompanied by the aroma of mantou and a compassionate heart.

Over the past six years, this "Island-wide Mantou" couple has driven a small truck, visiting over 600 schools, institutions, and community locations across Taiwan each year. They bring children, seniors, and underprivileged groups together to make loving mantou. All expenses are self-funded, with no charge for their services.

During the day, they make mantou at designated locations and take the time to explore nearby areas. At night, they sleep in the back of the small truck on simple bedding. While it may seem challenging to others, the couple finds contentment in their journey. Jin Baoyi says with a smile, "I want to tell everyone that doing good deeds doesn't require wealth. We may be considered fools or mad, but we will continue doing this!"

Understanding the impermanence of life through a hand injury, they value living in the present moment. Before making mantou, Lin Bo and Jin Baoyi had been selling zongzi (sticky rice dumplings) at the market for 25 years. However, zongzi only had a peak season during the Dragon Boat Festival, and with changing consumer habits, business gradually declined. This made Jin Baoyi consider whether they should switch to another business.

"At that time, I was considering opening a breakfast shop, as it seemed to have less of a peak season issue and we could still sell zongzi there. However, running a breakfast shop required renting a storefront, which was a significant investment. If business was not good, it would be difficult to sustain. I was constantly pondering these things and feeling quite troubled," says Jin Baoyi.

Later, Jin Baoyi attended a baking class at the Salvation Army and bought a noodle press to practice at home. During one operation, she accidentally caught her hand in the machine. Due to the injury, the doctor advised her to rest for at least three months, forcing her to temporarily halt the business.

"In just a few seconds, my right index finger was torn apart, with the wound deep enough to expose the bone. Afterwards, I often reflected on the incident, realizing that if I had been a little slower, I might have lost the entire finger or even other fingers."

During this resting period, she began contemplating many questions, such as "What would life be like without a hand? Where does the meaning of life lie?" The more she thought about it, the more troubled she became. She decided it was better to go out and take a walk to clear her mind. Since she wasn't in the mood to travel and didn't want to spend much money, she thought, "Why not use the truck as our home and help others with what we know? It feels more meaningful."

Encouraged by her husband, they embarked on the "Island-wide Mantou" journey just one week after removing the stitches from her healing wound in 2015. Carrying simple essentials, steaming baskets, and other tools, they traveled in their small truck, which they typically used for business.

By saving on travel expenses and making mantou, this couple has traveled all over Taiwan. In their first year, they visited 20 childcare institutions in 15 days. During the day, they spent about 4-5 hours making mantou with the children and took the opportunity to explore nearby areas. At night, they set up mosquito nets, found an empty space or parking lot to sleep in the back of their truck, and bathed using water from public parks.

Grade 3 - Exploring Yanshuei through Field Trips

Grade 3 - Exploring Yanshuei through Field Trips

By conducting field visits, students will present their solutions to existing issues in their hometown. They will witness the traces of time at the Qiaonan Old Street and experience the nostalgic ambiance at the Yongcheng Theater. They will walk through the streets, touch the bricks and tiles, and immerse themselves in the atmosphere.

Before cultivating problem-solving skills, it is important to instill in children a sense of local identity, allowing them to understand the affairs of their hometown and discover its beauty. We express our gratitude to the dedicated planning and support of the Grade 3 teachers, as well as the caring presence of our administrative partners.

Happy Children's Day: Finding New Love for Old Belongingsย 

Under the warm sunshine, the "Finding New Love for Old Belongings" flea market event has enthusiastically kicked off with the sound of gongs!

Adults and children alike learn to package their items and find new owners for their old belongings. They rediscover the value and usefulness of these items, fostering a sense of cherishing and appreciating things. Throughout the process, they also learn how to handle money responsibly, avoiding excessive consumption and waste. Moreover, they have the opportunity to spontaneously donate a portion of their earnings, showcasing their joyful willingness to do good deeds.

Yanshuei Elementary School Science Exhibition team has been awarded the third place

Yanshuei Elementary School Science Exhibition team has been awarded the third place in the Tainan City Student Science Exhibition. Congratulations to the winning students for their hard work and well-deserved recognition.
The Student Science Exhibition is an annual event that showcases the scientific research and projects of students from various schools. It provides a platform for young minds to demonstrate their creativity, critical thinking skills, and passion for scientific exploration.

The exhibition brings together students from different grade levels and educational institutions, fostering a spirit of collaboration and healthy competition. Participants have the opportunity to present their scientific experiments, inventions, and innovative ideas to a panel of judges, experts, and fellow students.

Mommy I love you!~

As we approach this special day, we wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for everything you do for us. You are our rock, our guiding light, and the pillar of our lives. Your love, support, and sacrifices have shaped us into the individuals we are today, and we are forever grateful.ย 

On this special day, we want to celebrate you, Mom. You are our hero, our mentor, and our best friend. Your love is an anchor that keeps us grounded and a beacon that lights our way. We are eternally grateful for your sacrifices, your love, and the unwavering support you give us.

Thank you, Mom, for being the incredible person you are. We cherish and love you more than words can express.


This competition is currently the most influential mechatronics integration competition in Taiwan. It aims to create an engaging and challenging learning environment for technology education, inspiring students' interest in programming languages. Through hands-on projects, it allows children to understand the practical applications of digital technology and experience a smart life. Despite being held during the past three years under the shadow of the pandemic, the competition has received enthusiastic support from schools and parents, with the number of participating teams increasing each year.

Following the second edition, which held its physical finals at Miaoli Dome Stadium in collaboration with Miaoli County Government, this year's competition has returned to physical format. The final round took place today (5/20) at the National Taiwan Science Education Center. The number of entries reached a new record high this year, with a total of 905 teams from various counties and cities, involving 1,810 participating students, competing for the championship.

Hui-Jia Hsu, the Executive Director of Wistron Education Foundation, mentioned that during the preliminary selection process, teams were evaluated based on four aspects: theme interpretation, program design, completeness of the work, and creativity. Ultimately, 101 teams advanced to the finals and participated in today's physical creative programming competition. In order to qualify for the afternoon "Da Vinci Challenge" final, teams needed to achieve a relatively high ranking among the top 30 teams in the morning's "Computational Thinking" and "Mechatronics Integration" challenges without using electricity. Hui-Jia Hsu emphasized the difficulty of the competition, as the creative task was revealed on the spot, requiring children to think comprehensively about "computational thinking," "mechatronics integration," and "problem-solving" and translate abstract ideas into tangible designs.

This year's competition focused on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 11, "Sustainable Cities and Communities," aiming to cultivate students' understanding of creating inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable living environments for all individuals and living beings. This theme holds significance for elementary school students as it represents societal engagement and the cultivation of civic awareness in the present era.

Dajhong Temple

Perched gracefully on No. 7, Wumiao Road in the idyllic Yanshuei District, the Dajhong Temple unveils a captivating narrative steeped in history, with its origins tracing back to the illustrious Kangsi period of 1675. Formerly known as Jyupo Pavilion, this architectural gem transcended its spiritual essence, embodying a breathtaking pavilion that graced the bustling commercial port, a sight to behold for all who beheld its splendor. During the waning days of the Ming Dynasty, when Taiwan found itself under the enlightened rule of the esteemed General Jheng Chengkong, the visionary leader erected this magnificent pavilion at the very site where the temple now stands, birthing a bastion of vitality and vivacity. The resplendent aura that enveloped this ethereal space was so awe-inspiring that it earned the enchanting epithet "Yanshuei Port," an evocative name that reverberated with poetic elegance. At present, the Dajhong Temple reverently enshrines Lord Leifu, the celestial guardian entrusted with safeguarding the neighboring environs. Stepping into the sacred embrace of this hallowed sanctuary, visitors embark on a transcendent journey, transcending the boundaries of time to bask in the resplendent opulence that once adorned the storied town of Yanshuei.

ๆฒˆ่Šฏ่ฑ SEE HOPE at Yanshuei Elementary School.2022.12.13
Promoting the "Taiwan Hope Project", dedicated to education for the disadvantaged, human history, and land justice.

The Taiwan Hope Project is an ambitious initiative aimed at promoting educational development and providing equal opportunities for students across Taiwan. The project aims to address educational disparities, improve infrastructure, enhance teaching quality, and foster innovation in the education sector. This report highlights the key objectives, strategies, and outcomes of the Taiwan Hope Project.ย 

Outcomes and Impact:

Conclusion: The Taiwan Hope Project is a transformative initiative that has significantly contributed to educational development in Taiwan. By addressing educational disparities, enhancing teaching quality, promoting technology integration, and supporting special needs education, the project has created a more equitable and innovative education system. Continued investment and commitment to the goals of the Taiwan Hope Project will pave the way for a brighter future for students across Taiwan.

E- Philanthropic Library Open at Yanshuei Elementary School

Yanshuei Elementary School proudly announced the grand opening of its innovative E-Philanthropic Library, marking a significant milestone in the school's commitment to providing enhanced educational resources to its students. The state-of-the-art digital library, made possible through philanthropic efforts, promises to revolutionize the way students access and engage with educational materials.

The E-Philanthropic Library, a first-of-its-kind initiative in the district, boasts a vast collection of e-books, educational videos, interactive learning modules, and digital resources. Equipped with modern technology infrastructure, including tablets and computers, the library creates a dynamic and immersive learning environment that transcends traditional book-based learning.

The inauguration ceremony, attended by students, teachers, parents, and esteemed community members, featured speeches by school administrators and local dignitaries. Principal [Name] expressed heartfelt gratitude to the philanthropists whose generous contributions and vision brought the E-Philanthropic Library to fruition, underscoring its transformative impact on the educational landscape of Yanshuei Elementary School.

With its user-friendly interface and intuitive search capabilities, the E-Philanthropic Library enables students to explore diverse subjects, embark on virtual adventures, and delve into interactive lessons tailored to their individual learning needs. The digital platform also offers opportunities for collaborative learning, allowing students to engage in discussions and knowledge sharing with peers.

In addition to the extensive digital resources, the library will feature regular interactive workshops and seminars conducted by expert educators and professionals. These sessions aim to further enrich students' learning experiences, foster critical thinking skills, and nurture a love for reading and lifelong learning.

The launch of the E-Philanthropic Library aligns with Yanshuei Elementary School's commitment to embracing digital innovation and equipping students with the necessary tools to thrive in the digital age. By harnessing the power of technology and philanthropy, the school aims to bridge educational gaps, promote inclusivity, and provide equal access to quality educational resources for all students.

The school administration and staff express their deep gratitude to the philanthropists who made this visionary project a reality. Their generosity and commitment to education will undoubtedly leave an indelible impact on the lives of students, empowering them with the knowledge and skills needed to shape a brighter future.

As Yanshuei Elementary School embarks on this new chapter of educational excellence, the E-Philanthropic Library stands as a testament to the power of innovation, collaboration, and the unwavering dedication to nurturing young minds.

Wu Temple(Martial Temple)

Martial Temple, established many years ago, holds the distinction of being one of the oldest temples in the area, surpassed only by Hubi Temple in age. Within its sacred walls, the temple pays homage to three revered patron deities: Emperor Wunheng, also known as Guan Di or Emperor Guan, Emperor Guan Ping (the son of Guan Di), and General Jhou Cang, who served as Guan Di's loyal right-hand man. Despite its local status, the influence of Martial Temple extends far beyond its immediate vicinity, capturing the devotion and reverence of followers throughout the entire town. The grandeur of its significance is most apparent during the annual Beehive Firecrackers Festival, held on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, where hundreds of thousands of visitors flock to witness and partake in the vibrant festivities. In terms of magnificence and cultural significance, the celebrations at Martial Temple rival those held at the illustrious Hubi Temple.

International Education at Yanshui Elementary

1th, Nov, 2022

ใ€International Education at Yanshui Elementaryใ€‘ In addition to the establishment of the International English Club, our school has been actively promoting international education initiatives. Through the allocation of funding for international education, we have been able to expand opportunities for our students to engage with students from different cultural backgrounds and develop a global perspective.

One of the highlights of our international education program is the exchange programs we have established with schools in other countries. These programs provide our students with the unique opportunity to interact with students from different countries, learn about their cultures, and foster meaningful cross-cultural connections. Our students have participated in virtual exchange activities, video conferences, and even student exchange visits, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of the world beyond their own community.

Furthermore, we have integrated global themes and perspectives into our curriculum to promote intercultural competence and global awareness among our students. Our teachers incorporate international topics and issues into their lessons, encouraging students to think critically, empathize with diverse perspectives, and develop a broader understanding of global challenges and opportunities.

Through these international education initiatives, we aim to nurture our students into global citizens who are open-minded, respectful of cultural diversity, and equipped with the skills needed to thrive in an interconnected world. We believe that by exposing our students to different cultures and providing them with international learning experiences, we are preparing them for a future that requires cross-cultural understanding and collaboration.

We are proud of our commitment to international education and will continue to expand our efforts in fostering a globally-minded learning environment at Yanshui Elementary School.

Welcome to Yanshuei! ๆญก่ฟŽไพ†ๅˆฐ้นฝๆฐด๏ผย 

5th, Nov, 2022

Welcome to Yanshuei! ๆญก่ฟŽไพ†ๅˆฐ้นฝๆฐด๏ผ

Congratulations to Zicheng and Shi Yuan, sixth-grade students, for their outstanding achievements recognized city-wide!

Rooted in our local community, our young tour guides present the unique features of Yanshuei in English, introducing them to the international community for better understanding.

We express our gratitude to the English teaching team for their guidance and to the principal for their strong support.

Yanshuei is a vibrant and welcoming community located in Tainan City, Taiwan. Known for its rich cultural heritage and warm-hearted residents, Yanshuei offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity.

One of the most notable events in Yanshuei is the Yanshuei Beehive Firecrackers Festival, which takes place annually during the Lantern Festival. This traditional event features a spectacular display of firecrackers, believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. It attracts visitors from all over the world who come to witness this exhilarating celebration.

Yanshuei is also famous for its delicious local cuisine. The town is renowned for its "Yanshuei Noodles" (Yanshuei Mian), a mouthwatering dish featuring hand-pulled noodles served in a flavorful broth. Additionally, the area is known for its agricultural products, such as pineapple and pomelo, which are grown in the fertile soil surrounding the town.

In addition to its cultural and culinary offerings, Yanshuei boasts beautiful natural landscapes. Visitors can explore the scenic Yanshuei River and enjoy leisurely walks or bike rides along its banks. The surrounding countryside is dotted with lush farmlands and picturesque scenery, providing a tranquil escape from the bustling city life.

Yanshuei is proud of its strong sense of community and the warmth of its people. The residents actively engage in various cultural activities, including traditional music, dance, and arts and crafts. This vibrant community spirit creates a welcoming atmosphere for both locals and visitors alike.

Whether you're exploring its cultural traditions, indulging in its delicious food, or immersing yourself in its natural beauty, Yanshuei offers a memorable experience that truly captures the essence of Taiwanese culture.

Family Education - Parent-Child Readingย 

4th, Nov, 2022

Family Education - Parent-Child Reading Director Chen from the Tainan Lifeline joins us for parent-child reading sessions. Through the storybooks, videos, and everyday moments from "The Cow Who Loves Flowers," let's reflect on whether we have gender stereotypes, whether we have learned to respect each other's boundaries, and whether we understand the value of life. Each person is unique in their own way, and we strive to express our true colors and appreciate each other's differences. Finally, we thank everyone who participated, as it gives us the opportunity to grow together.
Family education plays a vital role in the development and well-being of children. It encompasses the values, beliefs, and skills that parents impart to their children, shaping their character, behavior, and overall growth. It involves creating a nurturing and supportive environment where children feel loved, valued, and respected.

Family education involves various aspects, including communication, discipline, emotional support, and fostering positive relationships. Parents engage in open and effective communication with their children, actively listening to their thoughts, concerns, and needs. They provide guidance and set appropriate boundaries to promote discipline and responsibility.

Emotional support is another important component of family education. Parents create a safe and nurturing space for their children to express their emotions, offering comfort, understanding, and encouragement. They help their children develop emotional intelligence and coping skills, promoting resilience and well-being.

Family education also emphasizes the importance of positive relationships within the family. It encourages family bonding activities, such as shared meals, outings, and recreational activities, fostering strong connections and a sense of belonging. Parents serve as role models, demonstrating values, empathy, and healthy interpersonal skills.

Furthermore, family education extends beyond the immediate family. It involves engaging with the broader community, seeking resources and support networks, and collaborating with schools, organizations, and professionals. This collaboration promotes holistic child development and ensures a supportive environment for children's growth and learning.

In summary, family education is a comprehensive approach that empowers parents to create a loving, supportive, and nurturing environment for their children. It encompasses effective communication, discipline, emotional support, and fostering positive relationships. By prioritizing family education, parents can contribute to their children's overall well-being and lay the foundation for their future success.

Family Education - Parent-Child Readingย 

17th, Oct, 2022

Parent Association Certification Ceremony and Teacher Appreciation Banquet

๐Ÿ’• We express our gratitude to former President Li Jingyi for her active leadership in guiding the Parent Association and supporting school initiatives over the past two years. We also thank President Kang Boxiang for taking on the responsibility and honor of continuing the legacy. With one baton passed to another, we believe that under his leadership, the Parent Association will help the school reach new heights. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿƒ-๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ

๐Ÿ’• We are grateful to Volunteer Team Leader Wang Lanwei for continuously leading the volunteers, selflessly sacrificing and dedicating their services to accompany the children at the school. ๐Ÿฅฐ

๐Ÿ’• We would like to extend our gratitude to busy guests who attended the event, including Councilors Zhang Shixian, Cai Yuhui, Shen Jiafeng, Li Zonghan, District Chief Wenqi, Supervisor Xinpeng, Village Chief Shuixiu Yan, Village Chief Huang from Annei and Village Chief Lin Qunchao, as well as the committee members of the local temple and Parent Association advisors.

๐Ÿ’– Lastly, a heartfelt thank you to the General Affairs Office for their meticulous planning, the cooperation of various departments, and the enthusiastic participation of the teachers. With your support, Yanshuei Elementary School continues to grow and thrive with happiness.

Food Drive for Happiness Day

12th, Oct. 2022

Food Drive for Happiness Day

From last week's promotion to this week's food collection for the Food Drive for Happiness Day, we aim to raise awareness among students about the ecological and environmental issues caused by food waste. We also want them to understand the role of food banks and cultivate a sense of gratitude, appreciation, and sharing in their daily lives. Let us all become compassionate global citizens through the power of good food.

A food bank is a charitable organization that collects and distributes food to individuals and families in need. It serves as a centralized location where donated food items are stored and then distributed to various community organizations, such as soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and low-income households.

Food banks play a crucial role in addressing food insecurity and reducing hunger in communities. They rely on donations from individuals, businesses, and community organizations to ensure a steady supply of food. These donated food items can include non-perishable goods, fresh produce, dairy products, and other essential food items.

The food bank acts as a bridge between those who have excess food resources and those who are struggling to access nutritious meals. By collecting surplus food that would otherwise go to waste, food banks help to prevent food waste and redirect it to those in need.

In addition to providing food assistance, many food banks also offer other supportive services and programs. These may include nutrition education, cooking classes, job training, and referrals to social services. By addressing the root causes of hunger and promoting self-sufficiency, food banks contribute to the overall well-being and empowerment of individuals and families.

Through the collective efforts of donors, volunteers, and partner organizations, food banks create a community-wide impact in the fight against hunger and food insecurity. They serve as a vital resource in ensuring that everyone has access to an adequate and nutritious food supply.

Food Drive for Happiness Day

12th, Oct. 2022

Life Education Program at Yanshuei Elementary School At Yanshuei Elementary School, we prioritize life education as an integral part of our curriculum. We believe that equipping students with essential life skills and knowledge is crucial for their personal growth and development.

Our life education program covers a wide range of topics, including emotional intelligence, social skills, problem-solving, decision-making, and resilience. Through various interactive activities and workshops, students learn how to manage their emotions, develop healthy relationships, make responsible choices, and navigate challenges in their lives.

We also incorporate values education into our program, emphasizing the importance of kindness, empathy, respect, and integrity. Through discussions, role-playing, and real-life scenarios, students learn the value of ethical behavior, empathy towards others, and the importance of contributing positively to their communities.

In addition, we invite guest speakers, experts, and professionals from different fields to share their experiences and insights with our students. These external perspectives provide valuable learning opportunities and broaden students' horizons.

Furthermore, our life education program includes practical skills such as financial literacy, time management, goal setting, and critical thinking. We believe that these skills are essential for students to succeed in their academic pursuits and future careers.

Overall, our life education program aims to empower students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and values to lead fulfilling lives, make positive contributions to society, and navigate the challenges and opportunities that come their way. By nurturing well-rounded individuals, we prepare our students for a successful and meaningful future.

ย Disaster Drill 2022

18th, Sep. 2022

This morning, the school conducted a joint earthquake and fire drill. #Earthquake Safety Three Steps: Drop, Cover, and Hold On. These three actions protect the head. #Evacuation Three Principles: Do not push, do not run, do not speak. #Fire Extinguisher Operation: Pull (the pin) โ†’ Aim (at the fire source) โ†’ Squeeze (the handle) โ†’ Sweep (from side to side at the fire source).
When an earthquake occurs, it is important to take immediate actions to protect yourself and ensure your safety. Here are some guidelines on how to protect yourself during an earthquake:

Remember, earthquake preparedness and response may vary depending on your location and building structure. It is important to follow local guidelines and instructions provided by authorities to ensure your safety during an earthquake.